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country state city
country_state_city #
A flutter package to display list of world wide Countries, States and Cities. It also allows to get a list of States and Cities depends on given country (by ISO CODE).
How to Use #
To use this Package, add country_state_city as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.
// import country_state_city package
import 'package:country_state_city/country_state_city.dart';
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// Get all countries
final countries = await getAllCountries();
// Get all states that belongs to a country by country ISO CODE
final states = await getStatesOfCountry('AF'); // Afghanistan
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APIs #
Future<List<Country>> getAllCountries()
Get world wide countries list.
Future<Country?> getCountryFromCode(String countryCode)
Get country from its ISO CODE
Future<List<State>> getAllStates()
Get world wide states list.
Future<List<State>> getStatesOfCountry(String countryCode)
Get the list of states that belongs to a country by the country ISO CODE
Future<State?> getStateByCode(String countryCode, String stateCode,)
Get a state from its code and its belonging country code
Future<List<City>> getAllCities()
Get world wide cities list.
Future<List<City>> getStateCities(String countryCode, String stateCode)
Get the list of states that belongs to a state by the state ISO CODE and the country ISO CODE
Future<List<City>> getCountryCities(String countryCode)
Get the list of cities that belongs to a country by the country ISO CODE
Classes #
Handle country data such as: (name, isoCode, phoneCode, flag, currency, latitude, longitude, timezones)
Handle state data such as: (name, countryCode, isoCode, latitude, longitude)
Handle city data such as: (name, countryCode, stateCode, latitude, longitude)
Handle timezone data such as: (name, gmtOffset, gmtOffsetName, abbreviation, tzName)
Special Thanks to #
Harpreet Singh
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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