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cubos widgets
Cubos Widgets #
Flutter package containing the most used Widgets in Cubos Tecnologia's projects.
Features #
HtmlWidget #
It uses the flutter_html library to allow us to use HTML tags to customize text styles without using the RichText widget. It also allows us to customize texts from the backend. Example:
data: """
Hello <strong>World</strong>!
<strong>Uma lista qualquer:</strong>
<li>2x Cadeiras</li>
<li>1x Cobertor</li>
<li>1x Folha de papel</li>
<li>1x caixa de lápis de cor</li>
<li>1x caixa de tinta guache</li>
textStyle: TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20),
copied to clipboard
ResponsiveTextScaleFactor #
Responsive text scale factor should be used to create a range of text scale factor for a specific widget or all your screen, and ensures better usability without layout overflow when users with vision problems use the app with TextScaleFactor increased on your devices.
minScaleFactor: 0.5,
maxScaleFactor: 2.0,
child: Text('Hello world'),
copied to clipboard
Let's grow together! #
You can support us making your own contributions! Report bugs or unexpected behaviors and suggest new features on the issues page from the Github repository. Widget tests are very appreciated and recommended in the Pull Requests.
Get to know us #
Find out more about Cubos Tecnologia on
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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