Custom Timer | Coderz Product


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custom timer

Custom Timer ⌛ #
A Flutter package to create a customizable timer.

🎉 Features #

Timer controller.
Auto count up / down timer.
Custom builder.
Millisecond support.

📌 Usage #

Add SingleTickerProviderStateMixin to your stateful widget. 👇
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
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Then define a CustomTimer controller
late CustomTimerController _controller = CustomTimerController(
vsync: this,
begin: Duration(hours: 24),
end: Duration(),
initialState: CustomTimerState.reset,
interval: CustomTimerInterval.milliseconds
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And you are ready to use the timer:
controller: _controller,
builder: (state, time) {
// Build the widget you want!🎉
return Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24.0)
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Now you can use the controller methods:

_controller.add(Duration(minutes: 30));
_controller.subtract(Duration(minutes: 30));
_controller.jumpTo(Duration(hours: 12));
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You can also set the begin or end, even with the counter running:
_controller.begin = Duration();
_controller.end = Duration(hours 12);
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And add listeners to state changes or just use the properties when you need them:
_controller.state.addListener(() {
print(_controller.state.value); // 👉 CustomTimerState.paused
print(_controller.remaining.value.hours); // 👉 12h
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Remember to dispose when you are no longer using it.

🔧 Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
custom_timer: ^0.2.3
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Install it:
$ flutter pub get
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Import the package in your project:
import 'package:custom_timer/custom_timer.dart';
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🙇 Author #

Hi there 👋 This package is in development so if you find a bug or have a suggestion please let me know so we can improve it! 😃 If you want to motivate me to continue, you can give me a cup of coffee ☕ and I will get a lot of energy out of it.


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