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Dialog.dart #
Modern modal dialog implementation containing remakes of alert & confirm dialogs supplemented by prompt & custom modal dialogs
Description #
This package replaces default alert & confirm dialogs from Dart's Window class and adds missing prompt & custom modal dialogs. Default system dialogs called by that prompts are superseded by modern modal design.
Usage #
Usage is almost the same as set in the Dart's Window class and completely the same as described in the WHATWG HTML Standard. For each dialog there is just one file to import only the dialog you really need. There is also one file to import all four dialogs at once if you want to use them all.
import "package:dialog/~file~";
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Libraries to import in ~file~: #
Replaces default alert dialog.
querySelector("#alertButton").onClick.listen((_) {
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Replaces default confirm dialog.
querySelector("#confirmButton").onClick.listen((_) async {
var myConfirm = await confirm("Confirmed?!");
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Adds missing prompt dialog.
querySelector("#promptButton").onClick.listen((_) async {
var myPrompt = await prompt("Prompted?!", "Yes!");
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Adds fully customizable modal dialog.
querySelector("#modalButton").onClick.listen((_) async {
var myModal = await modal(
"Surprise", [Text("Boo!")], "Eek!", "Huh?", "Haha!", "Come on!", true);
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Do you need to use them all at once? Try to import dialog.dart file only!
Status #
Author #
Pavel Dvořák (@dvorapa)
You might want to buy me a hot chocolate ☕.
Contributing #
Please fill in an issue or a pull request on project's GitHub page.
License #
The BSD 2-Clause License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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