Django Crispy Tableselect 0.1.0

django-crispy-tableselect 0.1.0

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djangocrispytableselect 0.1.0

Django Crispy TableSelect

Note: this package is under heavy development and currently in proof-of-concept phase.
Crispy layout object for selecting rows in a django-tables2 data table.

Todo list

Write documentation (d'oh)
Publish to PyPI
Add checkbox in table header to select/de-select all rows at once.
Add tests
Audit accessibility

Development setup

At least python 3.9 (pyenv managed recommended)

Install the django app with poetry
pyenv virtualenv 3.9 django-tableselect # or your alternative to create a venv
pyenv activate django-tableselect
pip install poetry
make install

# Optional, when you're not creating the virtualenv yourself poetry will do it for you.
# You can activate the poetry venv like so:
source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate

flake8-black and flake8-isort are installed and configured
make lint

black and isort are configured
make format

Pytest with coverage is default enabled
make test

Run the django development server (sandbox)
First run the migrations:
make migrate

Now create a superuser:
sandbox/ createsuperuser

Finally run the django dev server:
sandbox/ runserver

You can now go to the django admin site: http://localhost:8000/admin


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