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What is it? #
This is a Dart port of Google's libphonenumber library
Google's library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers.
Highlights of functionality #
Parsing, formatting, and validating phone numbers for all countries/regions
of the world.
getNumberType - gets the type of the number based on the number itself;
able to distinguish Fixed-line, Mobile, Toll-free, Premium Rate, Shared
Cost, VoIP, Personal Numbers, UAN, Pager, and Voicemail (whenever feasible).
isNumberMatch - gets a confidence level on whether two numbers could be
the same.
getExampleNumber and getExampleNumberForType - provide valid example
numbers for all countries/regions, with the option of specifying which type
of example phone number is needed.
isPossibleNumber - quickly guesses whether a number is a possible
phone number by using only the length information, much faster than a full
isValidNumber - full validation of a phone number for a region using
length and prefix information.
AsYouTypeFormatter - formats phone numbers on-the-fly when users enter
each digit.
findNumbers - finds numbers in text.
PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder - provides geographical information related to
a phone number.
PhoneNumberToCarrierMapper - provides carrier information related to a
phone number.
PhoneNumberToTimeZonesMapper - provides timezone information related to a
phone number.
Quick Examples #
Let's say you have a string representing a phone number from Switzerland. This
is how you parse/normalize it into a PhoneNumber object:
String swissNumberStr = "044 668 18 00";
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.instance;
try {
PhoneNumber swissNumberProto = phoneUtil.parse(swissNumberStr, "CH");
} on NumberParseException catch (e) {
print("NumberParseException was thrown: ${e.toString()}");
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At this point, swissNumberProto contains:
"country_code": 41,
"national_number": 446681800
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Now let us validate whether the number is valid:
bool isValid = phoneUtil.isValidNumber(swissNumberProto); // returns true
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There are a few formats supported by the formatting method, as illustrated
// Produces "+41 44 668 18 00"
// Produces "044 668 18 00"
print(phoneUtil.format(swissNumberProto, PhoneNumberFormat.national));
// Produces "+41446681800"
print(phoneUtil.format(swissNumberProto, PhoneNumberFormat.e164));
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You could also choose to format the number in the way it is dialed from another
// Produces "011 41 44 668 1800", the number when it is dialed in the United States.
print(phoneUtil.formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(swissNumberProto, "US"));
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Formatting Phone Numbers 'as you type' #
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.instance;
AsYouTypeFormatter formatter = phoneUtil.getAsYouTypeFormatter("US");
print(formatter.inputDigit('6')); // Outputs "6"
... // Input more digits
print(formatter.inputDigit('3')); // Now outputs "650 253"
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Extract Phone Numbers From Text #
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.instance;
Iterable<PhoneNumberMatch> foundNumbers = phoneUtil.findNumbers('Call me on 0241234567/0201234568', 'GH');
print(foundNumbers.elementAt(0)); // Outputs "countryCode: 233, nationalNumber: 241234567"
print(foundNumbers.elementAt(1)); // Outputs "countryCode: 233, nationalNumber: 201234568"
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Geocoding Phone Numbers #
PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder geocoder = PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder.instance;
// Outputs "Zurich"
print(geocoder.getDescriptionForNumber(swissNumberProto, Locale.english));
// Outputs "Zürich"
print(geocoder.getDescriptionForNumber(swissNumberProto, Locale.german));
// Outputs "Zurigo"
print(geocoder.getDescriptionForNumber(swissNumberProto, Locale.italian));
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Mapping Phone Numbers to original carriers #
Caveat: We do not provide data about the current carrier of a phone number, only
the original carrier who is assigned the corresponding range. Read about number
PhoneNumber swissMobileNumber =
PhoneNumber()..countryCode = 41..nationalNumber = Int64(798765432);
PhoneNumberToCarrierMapper carrierMapper = PhoneNumberToCarrierMapper.instance;
// Outputs "Swisscom"
print(carrierMapper.getNameForNumber(swissMobileNumber, Locale.english));
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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