Downloadsfolder | Coderz Product


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Flutter Download Folder Plugin #
A Flutter plugin for retrieving the path to the downloads folder and performing operations related to file downloads on different platforms.
Support #


SDK 20+
iOS 12+

How it works? #
The Flutter Download Folder plugin provides a simple interface to interact with the downloads folder on various platforms. Here's a brief overview of how the main functionalities work:
Get Download Directory Path:
The getDownloadDirectoryPath function uses platform-specific channels to retrieve the path to the downloads folder based on the current platform.
Copy File into Download Folder
The copyFileIntoDownloadFolder function allows you to copy a file into the downloads folder with a specified file name. It ensures a unique name to avoid overwriting existing files.
Open Download Folder
The openDownloadFolder function opens the download folder on the device's file system. The implementation varies based on the platform, using platform-specific channels for Android and iOS, and retrieving the path to the downloads folder for macOS and Windows.
Installation #
To use this plugin, add downloadsfolder as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:
downloadsfolder: ^1.1.0

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Setup #

The copyFileIntoDownloadFolder method uses a workaround on Android 29 and higher to avoid using MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

On Android devices with API 29 and higher, the method saves the file using MediaStore to bypass restrictions.
On Android devices with API 28 and lower, ensure that you have added the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file under the <application> element.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="28"/>
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To enable the openDownloadFolder function on iOS, ensure that you have added the following key-value pair to your Info.plist file:

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Go to your project folder, macOS/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements

For release you need to open 'YOUR_PROJECT_NAME'Profile.entitlements

and add the following key:
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Usage #
Get Download Directory Path
import 'package:downloadsfolder/downloadsfolder.dart';

void main() async {
try {
Directory downloadDirectory = await getDownloadDirectory();

print('Downloads folder path: ${downloadDirectory.path}');
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to retrieve downloads folder path $e');

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Copy File into Download Folder
import 'package:downloadsfolder/downloadsfolder.dart';

void main() async {
String filePath = '/path/to/source/file.txt';
String fileName = 'copied_file.txt';

bool? success = await copyFileIntoDownloadFolder(filePath, fileName);
if (success == true) {
print('File copied successfully.');
} else {
print('Failed to copy file.');
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Open Download Folder
import 'package:downloadsfolder/downloadsfolder.dart';

void main() async {
bool success = await openDownloadFolder();
if (success) {
print('Download folder opened successfully.');
} else {
print('Failed to open download folder.');
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