Dropdown Textfield | Coderz Product


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dropdown textfield

Flutter DropdownTextfield #
A DropdownTextfield is a Material Design TextField. The DropDownButton is a widget that can be used to select one unique value or multiple values from a set of options.
Key Features #

Searchable dropdown
Single & multi-selection
Material dropdown
Easily customizable UI
Easy implementation into StatelessWidget
ToolTip dialogue for multi-selection dropdown items

Examples #

Single Dropdown
Single Dropdown with Search Option
Single Dropdown with Clear Option

Multiple Dropdown
Multiple Dropdown with All Selected Items

Usage #
Controllers #
You need to use SingleValueDropDownController for single dropdown and MultiValueDropDownController for multiple dropdown.
Properties #

dropdownRadius: Defines the radius of the dropdown list. Default value is 12.
initialValue: Sets the initial value. If null or not in the dropDownList, it will not display any value.
dropDownList: A list of dropdown values of type <DropDownValueModel>.
onChanged: Listens for item selection changes. Returns a single DropDownValueModel object for single selection dropdown, and a list of DropDownValueModel objects for multi-selection dropdown.
textFieldDecoration: Overrides the default text field decoration.
dropDownIconProperty: Customizes the dropdown icon size and color.
isEnabled: Set to false to disable the text field. Default value is true.
enableSearch: Set to true to enable the search option in the dropdown. Currently available only for single selection dropdown.
displayCompleteItem: Set to true to display the complete list of selected items in the text field. Otherwise, it will display as "number_of_items selected".
dropDownItemCount: Maximum number of dropdown items to display. Default value is 6.
searchKeyboardType: Overrides the default search keyboard type. Applicable only if enableSearch=true.
searchTextStyle: Text style for the search text field.
searchAutofocus: Set to true to autofocus the search text field. Applicable only if enableSearch=true. Default value is false.
searchShowCursor: Set to false to hide the cursor from the search text field. Applicable only if enableSearch=true.
clearOption: Set to false to hide the clear suffix icon button from the text field.
clearIconProperty: Customizes the clear icon size and color.
listSpace: Space between the text field and the list. Default value is 0.
listPadding: Padding for dropdown list items.
submitButtonText: Text for the multi-dropdown submit button.
submitButtonColor: Color of the multi-dropdown submit button.
submitButtonTextStyle: Text style for the multi-dropdown submit button.
listTextStyle: Text style for dropdown list items.
checkBoxProperty: Customizes the properties of multiple checkboxes.

Contributing #
Seeking contributions to improve the DropdownTextfield! If you have ideas for new features, optimizations, or bug fixes, please feel free to open a pull request or issue on our GitHub repository. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help make this package even better.


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