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dynatrace flutter plugin
Dynatrace Flutter Plugin #
The Dynatrace Flutter plugin adds the Dynatrace OneAgent for Android and iOS to your Flutter app and provides an API to use manual instrumentation for Flutter/Dart data capturing.
Requirements #
Flutter Version >= 1.12.0
Dart Version >= 2.12
Gradle: >= 5.x
Android API Level >= 21
Java >= 11
iOS SDK >= 12
Agent Versions #
This agent versions are configured in this plugin:
iOS Agent:
Android Agent:
Important Notes #
After installing the Dynatrace Flutter plugin via the quick setup section, please follow the manual instrumentation API section as this implementation will be required to capture actions based on Flutter layer, i.e. widgets like buttons or gestures/user input.
For information on what is automatically captured in the native Android/iOS layer of your application, please see our native layer section.
New with version 3.x #
Supported Web Request Framework: Dart's http package
See DynatraceHttpClient for more information.
Removal of auto-instrumented http requests via the dart:io library
See our Migration Guide.
Quick Setup #
Install plugin
Setup configuration
Start Flutter plugin
Build and run your app
Startup #
Plugin Startup
Manual OneAgent Startup
Advanced topics #
Native layer
Manual instrumentation
Create Custom Action
Create Custom Sub Action
Report Values and Errors
Request & Response size calculation
Manual Web Request Monitoring
Identify User
Capture Zone Errors using startWithoutWidget
Crash Reporting
User Privacy Options
Report GPS Position
Business events capturing
Platform independent reporting
Webrequest behavior
Navigation Observer
Custom Arguments
Configuration structure
Define build stages
User Opt In Mode
OneAgent debug logs
Maven Central in top-level gradle file
Migration Guide
Instrumentation Overhead
Troubleshooting #
Known Issues
Report bug / Get support
Quick Setup #
1. Install the plugin #
Open the pubspec.yaml file located inside the app folder, and add dynatrace_flutter_plugin: under dependencies:
dynatrace_flutter_plugin: ^2.243.0
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After adding the dependency, resolve any dependencies if it hasn't happened automatically.
From the terminal, run flutter pub get.
From Android Studio/IntelliJ, click Packages get in the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.
From VS Code, click Get Packages located to the right of the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.
2. Set up dynatrace.config.yaml #
Create a mobile app in Dynatrace and open Mobile app settings. Go to Flutter configuration and download the configuration dynatrace.config.yaml. Store it in the root folder of your application.
Data collection #
By default, the user opt-in mode is activated in the configuration. This means that OneAgent only sends a limited number of actions until you change the privacy mode.
3. Start the Flutter plugin #
There are two start options to run our Flutter plugin. The Flutter plugin starts only when you directly call it via start() or startWithoutWidget().
start({Configuration configuration}) takes an optional configuration object to customize the behavior of the plugin. This configuration parameter can also be used for a manual startup. You can provide values such as beaconUrl or applicationId at runtime. runApp() is called internally.
startWithoutWidget({Configuration configuration}) is similar to start({Configuration configuration}). The two differences are that it does not call runApp() internally (that is controlled by you) and zoned errors will not be captured automatically. However, uncaught errors will be captured by default. You should see the following in your application:
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
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Replace it with one of the following statements:
Option 1:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
void main() => Dynatrace().start(MyApp());
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Option 2:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
void main() {
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4. Build and run your app #
Run dart run dynatrace_flutter_plugin in the root of your Flutter project. This configures both Android and iOS projects with settings from dynatrace.config.yaml. If you want to see more logging, append or customize some paths via custom arguments while executing the command.
Before running your app, please see important notes relating to capturing Flutter/Dart user actions.
Call flutter run and the application starts including Dynatrace OneAgent.
Startup #
Plugin startup #
The startup of the plugin is triggered via the start(Widget _topLevelWidget, {Configuration configuration}) method. Without the start-up call, the plugin doesn't send data that is coming from the Flutter app part. The optional configuration parameters should only be used when doing a manual startup. The available options which are offered by the Configuration constructor are listed in the following table:
reportCrash: true,
logLevel: LogLevel.Info,
certificateValidation: true;
userOptIn: false;
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Property name
Reports automatically Dart and Flutter crashes.
Allows you to choose between LogLevel.Info and LogLevel.Debug. Debug returns more logs. This is especially important when something is not functioning correctly.
Identifies your environment within Dynatrace. This property is mandatory for manual startup. OneAgent issues an error when the key isn't present.
Identifies your mobile app. This property is mandatory for manual startup. OneAgent issues an error when the key isn't present.
Allows the use of self-signed certificates. By default, it is set to true. When set to false, OneAgent accepts self-signed certificates that are not signed by a root-CA. This configuration key doesn't impact mobile app connections. It's only used for OneAgent communication, but doesn't overrule the host-name validation.
Activates the privacy mode when set to true. User consent must be queried and set. The privacy settings for user privacy options can be changed via OneAgent SDK for Mobile as described under Data privacy. The default value is false.
Note: The values used for the parameters are their default value.
Attention: Please use those parameters only when doing a manual startup. If you want to do an automated startup, please configure the properties via the auto startup configuration. You will find a list which explains all the counterparts for the available options here.
An example could look like the following:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
void main() => Dynatrace().start(MyApp(), Configuration: Configuration(logLevel: LogLevel.Debug));
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Manual OneAgent startup #
If you can't do a automated startup through the dynatrace.config.yaml, you can always perform a manual startup and decide values such as beaconUrl and applicationId at runtime.
Note: An automated startup usually provides you with a lifecycle application start-up event. A manual startup on the other hand occurs later, thereby causing you to miss everything, including this application startup event, until the startup occurs.
A manual startup requires the following two steps:
Deactivate the automated startup in dynatrace.config.yaml:
"dynatrace {
configurations {
defaultConfig {
autoStart.enabled false
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Make the start-up call with at least beaconUrl and applicationId:
Example of a startup call:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
void main() => Dynatrace().start(MyApp(), Configuration: Configuration(beaconUrl: "..", applicationId: ".."));
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Note: If you don't deactivate the automated startup with the dynatrace.config.yaml file, the beaconUrl and applicationId values have no impact and are thrown away.
Advanced topics #
Native layer #
When using a native view like an Activity (Android) or View Controller (iOS) with native elements/controls, the Android/iOS agent that is running via the flutter plugin will capture these actions as they would in a native Android/iOS app out of the box. So if autoStart is set to true (default value), then you will likely see a Loading <AppName> action with the lifecycle events inside of the user action waterfall in the captured user session.
For more information on the the Android/iOS agents, please see our documentation section.
Manual instrumentation #
To use the API of the Flutter plugin, add the following import at the top of your dart file:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
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Create custom actions #
To create a custom action named "MyButton tapped", use the following code:
DynatraceRootAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped");
//Perform the action and whatever else is needed.
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Note: leaveAction closes the action again. To report values for this action before closing, see Report values.
Create custom sub actions #
You can create a single custom action and several sub-actions. MyButton Sub Action is automatically put under MyButton tapped. Only one sub-action level is allowed; you can't create a sub sub-action.
DynatraceRootAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped");
DynatraceAction mySubAction = myAction.enterAction("MyButton Sub Action");
//Perform the action and whatever else is needed.
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Report values #
You can report certain values for any open action. If you want to report a value without action reference skip to the next section. The following API is available for DynatraceRootAction and DynatraceAction:
void reportError(String errorName, int errorCode, {Platform platform})
void reportErrorStacktrace(
String errorName, String errorValue, String reason, String stacktrace,
{Platform platform});
void reportEvent(String eventName, {Platform platform})
void reportStringValue(String valueName, String value, {Platform platform})
void reportIntValue(String valueName, int value, {Platform platform})
void reportDoubleValue(String valueName, double value, {Platform platform})
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To report a string value, use the following code:
DynatraceRootAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped");
myAction.reportStringValue("ValueName", "ImportantValue");
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The {Platform platform} optional parameter is available for API calls. This parameter offers the possibility to report values only for a specific platform. For more information, see platform independent reporting.
Report values without action reference #
This section shows an API that offers reporting of values directly with the main agent interface. Be aware that those methods are helper methods and are internally attaching the value to the latest opened action. If there is no open action, the value will not be reported.
void reportError(String errorName, int errorCode, {Platform platform})
void reportErrorStacktrace(
String errorName, String errorValue, String reason, String stacktrace,
{Platform platform});
void reportEvent(String eventName, {Platform platform})
void reportStringValue(String valueName, String value, {Platform platform})
void reportIntValue(String valueName, int value, {Platform platform})
void reportDoubleValue(String valueName, double value, {Platform platform})
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To report a string value, use the following code:
Dynatrace().reportStringValue("ValueName", "ImportantValue");
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The {Platform platform} optional parameter is available for API calls. This parameter offers the possibility to report values only for a specific platform. For more information, see platform independent reporting.
Using DynatraceHttpClient #
Our Flutter plugin provides a wrapper, DynatraceHttpClient, which can be used to automatically tag and time the web requests that are called. DynatraceHttpClient uses Dart's http package.
How to use our DynatraceHttpClient. The following initialization and usage of the DynatraceHttpClient will monitor the request to
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient();
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
await client.get(Uri.parse(''));
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
} finally {
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It is also possible to link web requests with a user action. DynatraceHttpClient will automatically link a web request to the current open user action. In the following example, the request to, and will be visible in waterfall analysis of the action Button Click.
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient();
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
await client.get(Uri.parse(''));
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
try {
await client.get(Uri.parse(''));
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
try {
await client.get(Uri.parse(''));
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
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Use your own Client/IOClient/RetryClient from Dart's http package:
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
final myClient = Client();
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient(client: myClient);
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
} finally {
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import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
import 'package:http/io_client.dart';
final ioClient = IOClient();
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient(client: ioClient);
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
await client.head(Uri.parse(''));
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
} finally {
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import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
import 'package:http/retry.dart';
final retryClient = RetryClient(Client());
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient(client: retryClient);
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
} finally {
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Request & Response size calculation #
The web request instrumentation is by default reporting request and response bytes. This calculation has some limitations, therefore the createHttpClient function allows you to pass DynatraceHttpClientOptions. Per default, the HttpClient will append following headers:
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"
"User-Agent": "Dart/X.X (dart:io)"
These headers are not visible at the request size calculation, but can be modified in the HttpClient (e.g request.headers.removeAll(HttpHeaders.acceptEncodingHeader)). If the header value will be overridden by a different value, our calculation will not be able to consider this as we expect the default header value. For example, if "Accept-Encoding" is removed, use DynatraceHttpClientOptions to get correct values for the request size calculation (see the example below). If headers are changed on request basis and a different "Accept-Encoding" value is appended directly, the calculation will consider this.
import 'package:dynatrace_flutter_plugin/dynatrace_flutter_plugin.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
final myClient = Client();
Map<String, String> _myNewDefaultHeaders = {
"User-Agent": "Dart/X.X (dart:io)"
DynatraceHttpClientOptions _options = DynatraceHttpClientOptions(_myNewDefaultHeaders);
var client = Dynatrace().createHttpClient(client: myClient, options: _options);
DynatraceRootAction webAction =
Dynatrace().enterAction('Button Click');
try {
} catch (error) {
// insert error handling here
} finally {
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Manual Web Request Monitoring #
You can manually tag and time your web requests. With the API shown below, you are able to manually capture the web requests of another http framework or override the web request tag (x-dynatrace header value) and add the web request to a specific user action. If you are interested in a more automatic approach, please check out our Using DynatraceHttpClient section.
You should not manually instrument and use our DynatraceHttpClientfor the same web requests. This behavior can lead to incorrect monitoring data.
How to manually instrument http requests:
// DynatraceRootAction and DynatraceAction
Future<WebRequestTiming> createWebRequestTiming(String url);
Future<String> getRequestTag(String url);
String getRequestTagHeader();
// WebRequestTiming
void startWebRequestTiming();
void stopWebRequestTiming(int responseCode, String? responseMessage);
void stopWebRequestTimingWithSize(int responseCode, String? responseMessage, int requestSize, int responseSize);
String getRequestTag();
String getRequestTagHeader();
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Example using full manual instrumentation of a web request:
// From dart:io
HttpClient client = HttpClient();
// Create an action
DynatraceRootAction action =
Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped - Web Action");
// Create a timing object
WebRequestTiming timing = await action.createWebRequestTiming(url);
final request = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
if(timing.getRequestTag() != ""){
// Add headers to the request
request.headers.set(timing.getRequestTagHeader(), timing.getRequestTag());
// Start timing the web request
final response = await request.close();
// Stop timing
timing.stopWebRequestTiming(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase);
// Leave the action
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Overriding the web request tag (x-dynatrace header value) to add the web request to a specific user action:
// From dart:io
HttpClient client = HttpClient();
// Create an action
DynatraceRootAction action =
Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped - Web Action");
final request = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
// Add headers to the request
request.headers.set(action.getRequestTagHeader(), await action.getRequestTag(url));
final response = await request.close();
// Leave the action
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Identify a user #
You can identify a user and tag the current session with a name by making the following call:
Dynatrace().identifyUser("User XY");
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Capturing Zone Errors when using startWithoutWidget #
When using the startWithoutWidget method to start the Dynatrace plugin, zone errors are not caught out of the box and needs to be manually added. Here is an example of how you would set this up:
main() {
runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(() async {
}, Dynatrace().reportZoneStacktrace);
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Crash reporting #
Crash reporting is enabled by default. Mobile OneAgent captures all unhandled exceptions and errors, and then, it immediately sends the error report to the server. To change this behavior via the API, enable user opt-in and set the user privacy options.
To report a crash manually, use the following API on a Dynatrace() instance:
Future<void> reportZoneStacktrace(dynamic error, StackTrace stacktrace);
Future<void> reportCrash(String errorName, String errorMessage, String stacktrace, {Platform platform});
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Examples for the parameters are:
try {
} catch (exception, stacktrace) {
await reportZoneStacktrace(exception, stacktrace);
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User Privacy Options #
If you want to use the user privacy options you need to enable the user opt-in. By default, crash reporting is deactivated and the data-collection level is set to off, when enabling user opt-in mode. Based on your user's individual preferences, you can change the privacy settings when the app starts for the first time. Dynatrace doesn't provide a privacy dialog or any similar UI component. You must integrate the consent banner into your app. You must also allow your users to change their privacy settings in the future.
The API to get and set the current user privacy options looks like this:
Future<UserPrivacyOptions> getUserPrivacyOptions({Platform platform})
void applyUserPrivacyOptions(DataCollectionLevel dataCollectionLevel, bool crashReportingOptedIn, {Platform platform});
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The privacy API methods allow you to dynamically change the data-collection level based on the individual preferences of your end users. crashReportingOptedIn enables or disables the crash reporting. dataCollectionLevel can be selected from three data-privacy levels:
enum DataCollectionLevel {
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Off: Mobile OneAgent doesn't capture any monitoring data.
Performance: Mobile OneAgent captures only anonymous performance data. Monitoring data that can be used to identify individual users, such as user tags and custom values, isn't captured.
UserBehavior: Mobile OneAgent captures both performance and user data. In this mode, Mobile OneAgent recognizes and reports users who re-visit in future sessions.
A call to enable monitoring might look like the following:
Dynatrace().applyUserPrivacyOptions(DataCollectionLevel.UserBehavior, true);
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Report GPS location #
You can report latitude and longitude and specify an optional platform. These coordinates will be used to have Dynatrace calculate the city that is closest to the reported GPS location.
To manually set the coordinates of the user:
void setGPSLocation(double latitude, double longitude, {Platform platform})
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For automatic capturing of GPS coordinates please see the platform specific sections below:
If set to true, auto-instrumentation instruments your LocationListener classes and sends the captured location as metric to the server. The default value is false. To enable this feature to automatically capture location if your application gathers location based on LocationListener use the configuration shown here.
Captures the location only if the app uses CLLocationManager and sends the captured location as a metric to the server. The OneAgent SDK for iOS doesn't perform GPS location capturing on its own; it only captures three fractional digits to protect the privacy of the end user. Set the value to false to disable location capturing. The default value is true.
When location monitoring is disabled or no location information is available, Dynatrace uses IP addresses to determine the location of the user. For more information, click here.
Business events capturing #
With sendBizEvent, you can report business events. These events are standalone events, as OneAgent sends them detached from user actions or user sessions.
For more information on business events, see dynatrace documentation.
Dynatrace().sendBizEvent("", {
"" : "Confirmed Booking",
"screen": "booking-confirmation",
"product": "Danube Anna Hotel",
"amount": 358.35,
"currency": "USD",
"reviewScore": 4.8,
"arrivalDate": "2022-11-05",
"departureDate": "2022-11-15",
"journeyDuration": 10,
"adultTravelers": 2,
"childrenTravelers": 0
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Platform independent reporting #
Each method has an additional optional parameter named platform of type Platform. Use this parameter to only trigger manual instrumentation for a specific OS. The available values are: Platform.iOS and Platform.Android. By default, it will work on any platform. Otherwise it is passed only to the relevant OS. For example:
Passing to iOS only:
DynatraceAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped", Platform.iOS);
//Perform the action and whatever else is needed.
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Passing to Android only:
DynatraceAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped", Platform.Android);
//Perform the action and whatever else is needed.
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Passing to both:
DynatraceAction myAction = Dynatrace().enterAction("MyButton tapped");
//Perform the action and whatever else is needed.
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Webrequest behavior #
Currently the Dynatrace Flutter plugin supports the default Dart HTTPClient:
await HttpClient()
.then((request) => request.close())
.then((response) => print("Request Done"));
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This block is the standard implementation for a web request and doesn't need any further modification. It is tracked automatically. The following rules for action linking are applicable:
Root Action available: When you open a manual DynatraceRootAction before the request because the request is part of some user action, such as clicking a log-in button, the web request is linked to this DynatraceRootAction. If there are several DynatraceRootActions active, the request is linked to the newest one.
Root Action not available: When you trigger a request and don't have any open DynatraceRootAction, the request is tagged without any action information. The only exception for this tagging is if there are Android or iOS native auto user actions available. In such a case, we take this one for linking. The amount of native auto user actions is rare for Flutter as they are only fired from native components. Therefore, the request usually stands on its own. It is linked to the session but as a root web request. It isn't directly visible in the user session view in the web UI but is associated and visible within the Network performance tile.
Navigation observer #
To track navigations in your application, add DynatraceNavigationObserver to your MaterialApp:
home: MyAppHome(),
navigatorObservers: [
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go_router #
To track navigations in your application via go_router, add DynatraceNavigationObserver to your GoRouter observers:
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
final _router = GoRouter(
observers: [
routes: [
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Custom arguments #
Our scripts assume that the usual Flutter project structure is standard. The following arguments can be specified for our instrumentation script if the project structure is different.
--debug: Displays more log lines for the instrumentation script. Might be important if you have problems and want to get more information.
--gradle=C:\MyFlutterAndroidProject\build.gradle: The location of the root build.gradle file. We assume that the other gradle file resides in \app\build.gradle. This adds OneAgent dependencies automatically for you and updates the configuration.
--plist=C:\MyFlutterIOSProject\projectName\info.plist: Indicates the location of the info.plist file. The plist file is used for updating the configuration for the OneAgent.
--config=C:\SpecialFolderForDynatrace\dynatrace.config.yaml: Indicates that the config file isn't in the root folder of the Flutter project.
--uninstall: Removes files and references of Dynatrace that were added by our plugin. This includes the removal of the dynatrace.config.yaml file.
dart run dynatrace_flutter_plugin --config=C:\SpecialFolderForDynatrace\dynatrace.config.yaml
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Structure of the dynatrace.config.yaml file #
The configuration is structured in the following way:
// Configuration for Android auto instrumentation
// Configuration for iOS auto instrumentation
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Manual Startup Counterparts #
Here is a list of all the counterparts for the options that can be used with a manual startup. Below the counterparts table you will find an example configuration block for both Android and iOS.
Property Name
Android Block #
The Android block is a wrapper for the Android configuration. You can find it under Mobile app settings in the web UI. Copy the content into the following block:
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The content of the config block is directly copied to the gradle file. To know more about the possible configuration options, see the DSL documentation of our gradle plugin.
The following block shows similar properties that can be used with manual startup but are used in auto startup configuration:
config: "dynatrace {
configurations {
defaultConfig {
applicationId 'xxx'
beaconUrl 'xxx'
userOptIn false
crashReporting true
debug.agentLogging true
debug.certificateValidation true
webRequests.enabled true
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iOS Block #
The iOS block is a wrapper for the iOS configuration. You can find it under Mobile app settings in the web UI. Copy the content into the following block:
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The content of the config block is directly copied to the plist file, so you can use all the settings and properties listed in our official iOS Agent documentation.
The following block shows similar properties that can be used with manual startup but are used in auto startup configuration:
config: "
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Define build stages in dynatrace.config.yaml #
If you have several stages like debug, QA, and production, use a different configuration to separate them and have each stage report into different applications in the web UI.
Android #
In Android, you can enter all the information in the config file. So the following dynatrace {} block must be inserted into the android config variable in your dynatrace.config.yaml file.
config: "
dynatrace {
configurations {
dev {
variantFilter "Debug" // build type name is upper case because a product flavor is used
// other variant-specific properties
demo {
variantFilter "demo" // the first product flavor name is always lower case
// other variant-specific properties
prod {
variantFilter "Release" // build type name is upper case because a product flavor is used
// other variant-specific properties
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This results into the following:
> Task :app:printVariantAffiliation
Variant 'demoDebug' will use configuration 'dev'
Variant 'demoRelease' will use configuration 'demo'
Variant 'paidDebug' will use configuration 'dev'
Variant 'paidRelease' will use configuration 'prod'
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In all these blocks, you can define your different application IDs. You can even use a different environment.
iOS #
In iOS, you can define some variables in the dynatrace.config.yaml file. These variables must then be inserted into a prebuild script. The following properties must be inserted into the iOS config variable in your dynatrace.config.yaml file.
config: "
<string>Your Beacon URL</string>
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The ${APPLICATION_ID} variable must then be inserted with a prebuild script. For more information on this, read
User opt-in mode #
Allows the user to opt in for monitoring. When enabled, specify the privacy settings. For more information, see the user privacy options section.
Android #
config: "
dynatrace {
configurations {
defaultConfig {
userOptIn true
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iOS #
config: "
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Mobile OneAgent debug logs #
If the instrumentation runs through and your application starts but you see no data, you must investigate and find out the reason the mobile agents are not sending any data. You can always open a support ticket, but we strongly recommend that you first collect logs.
The whole structure is visible, so you can see where the config belongs.
Android #
Add the following configuration snippet to your other configuration in dynatrace.config.yaml and run dart run dynatrace_flutter_plugin in the root of your Flutter project:
config: "
dynatrace {
configurations {
defaultConfig {
debug.agentLogging true
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iOS #
Add the following configuration snippet to your other configuration in dynatrace.config.yaml and run dart run dynatrace_flutter_plugin in the root of your Flutter project:
config: "
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Maven Central in top-level gradle file #
Because the Dynatrace Android agent now requires the MavenCentral repository, if either jcenter() or mavenCentral() is not added inside of ALL the repositories blocks via the top-level build.gradle, the build will fail.
Below is an example of what a basic top-level build.gradle file should look like after adding mavenCentral() to all repository blocks:
The location of the top-level build.gradle should be:
JCenter has noted its sunset on May 1st. Though, JCenter is still syncing with Maven Central so havingjcenter() in your build.gradle file without the use of mavenCentral() will retrieve the Dynatrace Android Gradle Plugin no problem.
Migration Guide #
Differences of 2.x to 3.x #
Required Changes:
If you use DataCollectionLevel.User, change it to => DataCollectionLevel.UserBehavior
If you use the Configuration object in your start method, the optional monitorWebrequest property no longer exists and needs to be removed.
Http Instrumentation:
If you are using the http instrumentation provided by our plugin, we now offer the following options:
Use our DynatraceHttpClient which is a wrapper of Dart's http package.
Manually instrument http requests from any http library/package.
Instrumentation Overhead #
When using auto-instrumenation through our plugin, here are some examples of the size differences before and after instrumentation for release builds:
Operating System
App template
Size Before
Size After
7.1 MB
7.2 MB
0.1 MB
16.8 MB
21.1 MB
4.3 MB
Known issues #
OneAgent SDK version X does not match Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin version X: You've probably upgraded the Flutter package. Call dart run dynatrace_flutter_plugin again so that the dependencies in the gradle are updated.
I'm not seeing any captured user actions for flutter widgets or flutter/dart gestures/user input: See important notes relating to flutter/dart user actions and manual instrumentation.
For Android, if you see an error like "Gradle sync failed: Could not find", please see the MavenCentral section for an example and more information.
Dynatrace documentation #
The documentation for OneAgent for Android and iOS is available at the following locations:
The Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin is hosted on Maven Central. JCenter has noted it's sunset on May 1st so Maven Central is the primary source of the Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin.
Report a bug or open a support case #
For issues, open a support ticket at and provide us with the following details:
Logs from Mobile OneAgent
Your dynatrace.config.yaml file
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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