Elegant Notification | Coderz Product


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elegant notification

Elegant Notification #

An elegant notification to display important messages to users

Stacked elegant notification

Features #

Display a top notification with animation
A-stacked friendly toast
Built-in themes (Success, Error, Info)
Different display animations (fromTop, fromBottom, fromLeft, fromRight)
Support for all display alignment positions
(TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, CenterLeft, Center, CenterRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight)
Support custom theme implementation
on close and on progress finished callback handlers
Animated progress bar indicator
Customizable dismiss direction
Background customization
Animation duration customization
Notification position customization
Add clickable action widget to notification
Notification dismiss customization
Customizable notification dimensions (height and width)
Customizable barrier dismission and on dismiss action
Slide back animation
Customizable close button
Customizable border and border radius
RTL support

Getting Started #
To use this elegant notification package you need to add the dependency in pubspec.yaml file.
elegant_notification: ^2.3.2
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Parameters #
///The toast title widget
final Widget? title;

///The toast description widget
final Widget description;

///a secondary widget displayed under the description widget
///by default `action == null`
final Widget? action;

///The notification icon, by default it's null
///when it's null and using success, info and error the default icon is displayed
///when using the default constructor and icon is null nothing is rendered
Widget? icon;

///The size of the icon, by default it's 20px
final double iconSize;

///The type of the animation set on the notification
///possible values
///default value `fromLeft`
final AnimationType animation;

///The duration of the animation
///Default value `Duration(milliseconds: 600)`
final Duration animationDuration;

//The toast animation curve by default the curve is set to [Curves.ease]
final Curve animationCurve;

/// the background color of the notification
/// by default it's set to white
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late Color background;

///the border radius of the notification widget
final BorderRadius? borderRadius;

///The notification widget border
final BoxBorder? border;

///How much the notification will take time,
///by default the duration is `3000 milliseconds`
final Duration toastDuration;

///The notification shadow
final BoxShadow? shadow;

///enable or disable the progress indicator rendering
///by default the indicator is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late bool showProgressIndicator;

///The color of the progress
///by default it's blue
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late Color progressIndicatorColor;

///progress bar indicator width, by default it's null so it takes the widget's width
final double? progressBarWidth;

///progress bar indicator height, by default it's null so it takes the widget's height
final double? progressBarHeight;

///progress bar indicator padding constraints
final EdgeInsetsGeometry? progressBarPadding;

///The progress indicator background color
///by default it's grey
final Color progressIndicatorBackground;

///Display or hide the close button
///by default the close button is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
final bool displayCloseButton;

///Close widget rendered as the close function
///by default the close button is displayed, if you don't want it set `closeButton` to null
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
final Widget Function(void Function() dismissNotification)? closeButton;

///Function invoked when user press on the close button
final void Function()? onCloseButtonPressed;

///Function invoked when the notification is closed after the finish of the progress indicator
final void Function()? onProgressFinished;

///Function invoked when the user taps on the notification
final void Function()? onNotificationPressed;

///Function invoked when tapping outside the notification
///Or when pressing the back button of the phone
///or when tapping on the screen
final Function()? onDismiss;

///define whether the notification will be dismissed automatically or not
///by default `autoDimiss == false`
final bool autoDismiss;

///The direction of the dismissible widget
///by default it's `DismissDirection.horizontal`
final DismissDirection dismissDirection;

///The notification position in the screen
///by default the position is set to `Alignment.topRight`
final Alignment position;

///the width of the notification widget
final double? width;

///the height of the notification widget
final double? height;

///If the notification is dismissible or not
///by default it's true
final bool isDismissable;

/// The margin between the notification and the edge of the screen
final double notificationMargin;

/// The options for the stacked mode
final StackedOptions? stackedOptions;

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Migration to 2.0.0 #

enableShadow and shadowColor are removed replaced with shadow
onActionPressed is removed directly you can wrap the action widget with InkWell or GestureDetector

Examples #

Success theme animation example

title: Text("Update"),
description: Text("Your data has been updated"),
onDismiss: () {
print('Message when the notification is dismissed');
onTap: () {
print('Message when the notification is pressed');
closeOnTap: true,

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Stacked notifications Example 1

width: 360,
isDismissable: false,
animationCurve: Curves.bounceOut,
stackedOptions: StackedOptions(
key: 'top',
type: StackedType.same,
itemOffset: Offset(-5, -5),
position: Alignment.topCenter,
nimation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {},
onNotificationPressed: () {},
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Stacked notifications Example 2

width: 360,
stackedOptions: StackedOptions(
key: 'topRight',
type: StackedType.below,
itemOffset: Offset(0, 5),
position: Alignment.topRight,
animation: AnimationType.fromRight,
title: Text('Error'),
description: Text('Error example notification'),
onDismiss: () {},
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With box shadow example

width: 360,
isDismissable: false,
animationCurve: Curves.bounceOut,
position: Alignment.topCenter,
animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {},
onNotificationPressed: () {},
shadow: BoxShadow(
color: Colors.green.withOpacity(0.2),
spreadRadius: 2,
blurRadius: 5,
offset: const Offset(0, 4),

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Info theme animation with custom icon

title: Text("Info"),
description: Text("This account will be updated once you exit"),
icon: Icon(
color: Colors.orange,

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Easiest way to display elegant notification

description: Text("Please verifiy your data")

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Custom theme animation example

title: ("New version"),
description: Text("A new version is available to you please update."),
icon: Icon(
color: Colors.orange,
progressIndicatorColor: Colors.orange,

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Without title

description: Text("Please verifiy your data")
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With Action

description: Text('This account will be updated once you exit',),
action: InkWell(
onTap: (){
print('Link pressed')
child:Text( 'Link',
style: TextStyle(
decoration: TextDecoration.underline,
color: Colors.blue,
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Using dismissDirection attribute

width: 360,
position: Alignment.topCenter,
animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {
print('Message when the notification is dismissed');
onNotificationPressed: () {
print('Message when the notification is pressed');
isDismissible: true,
dismissDirection: DismissDirection.up,

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Contribution #
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link

If you found a bug, open an issue.
If you have a feature request, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.

Contributors #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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