Encrypt Shared Preferences | Coderz Product


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encrypt shared preferences

Shared preferences are a simple key-value storage mechanism that can be used to store small amounts
of data. However, since shared preferences are stored in plain text, it is not suitable for storing
sensitive information. To address this issue, you can use AES encryption to encrypt the data before
saving it to shared preferences.
To use shared preferences with AES encryption support, you can add this package to your project as
Open pub.dev
void main() async {
final key = "";
await EncryptedSharedPreferences.initialize(key: key);
var sharedPref = EncryptedSharedPreferences.getInstance();

await sharedPref.setString(
'user_token', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', notify: true); ////notify = true by default

sharedPref.getString('user_token'); //xxxxxxxxxxxx

await sharedPref.setInt('age', 99, notify: true); //notify = true by default

sharedPref.getInt('age', defaultValue: 1001); //99

await sharedPref.setDouble('pi', 3.14, notify: true); //notify = true by default

sharedPref.getDouble('pi'); //3.14

await sharedPref.setBoolean('isPremium', true, notify: true); //notify = true by default

sharedPref.getBoolean('isPremium'); //true

await sharedPref.remove('user_token', notify: true); //notify = true by default

await sharedPref.clear(notify: true); //notify = true by default

await sharedPref.reload();

final badKeys = {
await sharedPref.removeWhere((key, value) => badKeys.contains(key),
notifyEach: true); //notifyEach:true for notifying for each key update

sharedPref.observe(key: 'token').listen((event) {
// event = key

sharedPref.observeSet(keys: {'key1', 'key2', 'keyN'}).listen((event) {
// event = key
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[Shared builder] Here is example of how to use SharedBuilder widget
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: SharedBuilder(
listenKeys: const {"key1", "key2"}, //Optional
builder: (EncryptedSharedPreferences encryptedSharedPreferences,String? updatedKey) {
return Text("value : ${encryptedSharedPreferences.getString("key1")}");
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () async {
.setString('key1', 'dataValue');
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {
.setString('key2', 'dataValue');

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Also you can add custom external encryptor
class CustomEncryptor extends IEncryptor {
String decrypt(String key, String encryptedData) {
//decryption logic

String encrypt(String key, String plainText) {
//encryption logic

void main() {
final key = "";
await EncryptedSharedPreferences.initialize(key: key, encryptor: CustomEncryptor());
var sharedPref = EncryptedSharedPreferences.getInstance();
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Save using batch(Experimental)
await EncryptedSharedPreferences.getInstance().batch((batch) async {
//await all async preference operations
await batch.setString('dataKey1', 'dataValue1');
await batch.setString('dataKey2', 'dataValue2');
await batch.setString('dataKey3', 'dataValue3');

return Future(() => true);
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