Fcm Localization | Coderz Product


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fcm localization

Init #

you have to create class for localization

class MyTranslationMessages extends TranslationMessages {
String get defaultLocale => "ar";

Map<String, Map<String, String>> get messages => {
"ar": {
"new_offer": "عرض جديد",
"لديك عرض جديد علي طلبك رقم {order_id} في تصنيف {category_name_ar} ",
"en": {
"new_offer": "New offer",
"You have a new offer on your request number {order_id} on {category_name_en} ",
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you have to init fcm_config then init this

void main() async {
// Init fcm_config
await FCMConfig().init();
// Init fcm_localizations
await FCMLocalization.init(MyTranslationMessages());

// here you can get our saved locale
MyHomePage(locale: await FCMLocalization.getSavedLocale(Locale("ar"))),
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to get saved locale

// with default
var locale= await FCMLocalization.getSavedLocale(Locale("ar"));
//without default
var locale= await FCMLocalization.getSavedLocale();
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any time you change your app locale you have to save it

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when you send notification from your backend or any way you have to do next:

1- you have to send data only
2- data must contain title_loc_key and body_loc_key
3- any argument in your messages must be in the root of your data

"to": "...",
"data": {
"title_loc_key": "new_offer",
"body_loc_key": "new_offer_body",
"category_name_ar": "سيارات",
"category_name_en": "Cars",
"order_id": "77676"
"priority": "high"

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notes #

this package will ignore any notification with notification object
when we can not find the message with your locale we will display from default


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