Firebase Phone Auth Handler | Coderz Product


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firebase phone auth handler

FirebasePhoneAuthHandler For Flutter #

An easy-to-use firebase phone authentication package to easily send and verify OTP's with auto-fetch OTP support via SMS.
Supports OTP on web out of the box.

Screenshots #
Getting Started #
Step 1: Before you can add Firebase to your app, you need to create a Firebase project to connect to your application.
Visit Understand Firebase Projects to learn more about Firebase projects.
Step 2: To use Firebase in your app, you need to register your app with your Firebase project.
Registering your app is often called "adding" your app to your project.
Also, register a web app if using on the web.
Follow on the screen instructions to initialize the project.
Add the latest version 'firebase-auth' CDN from here.
(Tested on version 8.6.1)
Step 3: Add a Firebase configuration file and the SDK's. (google-services)
Step 4: When the basic setup is done, open the console and then the
project and head over to Authentication from the left drawer menu.
Step 5: Click on Sign-in method next to the Users tab and enable Phone.
Step 6: Follow the additional configuration steps for the platforms to avoid any errors.
Step 7: IMPORTANT: Do not forget to enable the Android Device Verification
service from Google Cloud Platform. (make sure the correct project is selected).
Step 8: Lastly, add firebase_core as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
and call Firebase.initializeApp() in the main method as shown:
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
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Usage #
To use this plugin, add firebase_phone_auth_handler as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
sdk: flutter
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First and foremost, import the widget.
import 'package:firebase_phone_auth_handler/firebase_phone_auth_handler.dart';
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Wrap the MaterialApp with FirebasePhoneAuthProvider to enable your application to support phone authentication like shown.
class _MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirebasePhoneAuthProvider(
child: MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: HomeScreen(),
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You can now add a FirebasePhoneAuthHandler widget to your widget tree and pass all the required parameters to get started.
phoneNumber: "+919876543210",
builder: (context, controller) {
return SizedBox.shrink();
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The phone number is the number to which the OTP will be sent which should be formatted in the following way:
+919876543210 - where +91 is the country code and 9876543210 is the phone number.
The widget returned from the builder is rendered on the screen.
The builder exposes a controller which contains various variables and methods.
Callbacks such as onLoginSuccess or onLoginFailed can be passed to the widget.
onLoginSuccess is called whenever the otp was sent to the mobile successfully and
was either auto verified or verified manually by calling verifyOTP function in the
controller. The callback exposes UserCredential object which can be used to find
user UID and other stuff. The boolean provided is whether the OTP was auto verified or
verified manually be calling verifyOTP. True if auto verified and false is verified manually.
onLoginFailed is called if an error occurs while sending OTP or verifying the OTP
or any internal error occurs, callback is triggered exposing FirebaseAuthException
which can be used to handle the error.
onCodeSent is called when the OTP is successfully sent to the phone number.
phoneNumber: "+919876543210",
// If true, the user is signed out before the onLoginSuccess callback is fired when the OTP is verified successfully.
signOutOnSuccessfulVerification: false,

linkWithExistingUser: false,
builder: (context, controller) {
return SizedBox.shrink();
onLoginSuccess: (userCredential, autoVerified) {
debugPrint("autoVerified: $autoVerified");
debugPrint("Login success UID: ${userCredential.user?.uid}");
onLoginFailed: (authException, stackTrace) {
debugPrint("An error occurred: ${authException.message}");
onError: (error, stackTrace) {},
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To logout the current user(if any), simply call
await FirebasePhoneAuthHandler.signOut(context);
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controller.signOut() can also be used to logout the current user if the functionality is needed in
the same screen as the widget itself (where controller is the variable passed in the callback from the builder method in the widget).
Web (reCAPTCHA) #
By default, the reCAPTCHA widget is a fully managed flow which provides security to your web application.
The widget will render as an invisible widget when the sign-in flow is triggered. An "invisible"
widget will appear as a full-page modal on-top of your application like demonstrated below.

Although, a RecaptchaVerifier instance can be passed which can be used to manage the widget.
Use the function recaptchaVerifierForWebProvider in FirebasePhoneAuthHandler which gives a boolean
to check whether the current platform is Web or not.
NOTE: Do not pass a RecaptchaVerifier instance if the platform is not web, else an error occurs.
recaptchaVerifierForWebProvider: (isWeb) {
if (isWeb) return RecaptchaVerifier();
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It is however possible to display an inline widget which the user has to explicitly press to verify themselves.

To add an inline widget, specify a DOM element ID to the container argument of the RecaptchaVerifier instance.
The element must exist and be empty otherwise an error will be thrown.
If no container argument is provided, the widget will be rendered as "invisible".
container: 'recaptcha',
size: RecaptchaVerifierSize.compact,
theme: RecaptchaVerifierTheme.dark,
onSuccess: () => print('reCAPTCHA Completed!'),
onError: (FirebaseAuthException error) => print(error),
onExpired: () => print('reCAPTCHA Expired!'),
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If the reCAPTCHA badge does not disappear automatically after authentication is done,
try adding the following code in onLoginSuccess so that it disappears when the login process is done.
Firstly import querySelector from dart:html.
import 'dart:html' show querySelector;
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Then add this in onLoginSuccess callback.
final captcha = querySelector('#__ff-recaptcha-container');
if (captcha != null) captcha.hidden = true;
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If you want to completely disable the reCAPTCHA badge (typically appears on the bottom right),
add this CSS style in the web/index.html outside any other tag.
.grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }
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How I prefer using it usually
I usually have a phone number input field, which handles phone number input. Then pass the phone number
to the VerifyPhoneNumberScreen
widget from the example app.
// probably some ui or dialog to get the phone number
final phoneNumber = _getPhoneNumber();

// then call
void _verifyPhoneNumber() async {
builder: (_) => VerifyPhoneNumberScreen(phoneNumber: phoneNumber),

/// route to home screen or somewhere in the onLoginSuccess callback for [VerifyPhoneNumberScreen]
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Sample Usage
import 'package:firebase_phone_auth_handler/firebase_phone_auth_handler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:phone_auth_handler_demo/screens/home_screen.dart';
import 'package:phone_auth_handler_demo/utils/helpers.dart';
import 'package:phone_auth_handler_demo/widgets/custom_loader.dart';
import 'package:phone_auth_handler_demo/widgets/pin_input_field.dart';

class VerifyPhoneNumberScreen extends StatefulWidget {
static const id = 'VerifyPhoneNumberScreen';

final String phoneNumber;

const VerifyPhoneNumberScreen({
Key? key,
required this.phoneNumber,
}) : super(key: key);

State<VerifyPhoneNumberScreen> createState() =>

class _VerifyPhoneNumberScreenState extends State<VerifyPhoneNumberScreen>
with WidgetsBindingObserver {
bool isKeyboardVisible = false;

late final ScrollController scrollController;

void initState() {
scrollController = ScrollController();

void dispose() {

void didChangeMetrics() {
final bottomViewInsets = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.viewInsets.bottom;
isKeyboardVisible = bottomViewInsets > 0;

// scroll to bottom of screen, when pin input field is in focus.
Future<void> _scrollToBottomOnKeyboardOpen() async {
while (!isKeyboardVisible) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 50));

await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 250));

await scrollController.animateTo(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
curve: Curves.easeIn,

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SafeArea(
child: FirebasePhoneAuthHandler(
phoneNumber: widget.phoneNumber,
signOutOnSuccessfulVerification: false,
linkWithExistingUser: false,
autoRetrievalTimeOutDuration: const Duration(seconds: 60),
otpExpirationDuration: const Duration(seconds: 60),
onCodeSent: () {
log(, msg: 'OTP sent!');
onLoginSuccess: (userCredential, autoVerified) async {
msg: autoVerified
? 'OTP was fetched automatically!'
: 'OTP was verified manually!',

showSnackBar('Phone number verified successfully!');

msg: 'Login Success UID: ${userCredential.user?.uid}',

(route) => false,
onLoginFailed: (authException, stackTrace) {
msg: authException.message,
error: authException,
stackTrace: stackTrace,

switch (authException.code) {
case 'invalid-phone-number':
// invalid phone number
return showSnackBar('Invalid phone number!');
case 'invalid-verification-code':
// invalid otp entered
return showSnackBar('The entered OTP is invalid!');
// handle other error codes
showSnackBar('Something went wrong!');
// handle error further if needed
onError: (error, stackTrace) {
error: error,
stackTrace: stackTrace,

showSnackBar('An error occurred!');
builder: (context, controller) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
leadingWidth: 0,
leading: const SizedBox.shrink(),
title: const Text('Verify Phone Number'),
actions: [
if (controller.codeSent)
onPressed: controller.isOtpExpired
? () async {
log(, msg: 'Resend OTP');
await controller.sendOTP();
: null,
child: Text(
? 'Resend'
: '${controller.otpExpirationTimeLeft.inSeconds}s',
style: const TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 18),
const SizedBox(width: 5),
body: controller.isSendingCode
? Column(
children: const [
SizedBox(height: 50),
child: Text(
'Sending OTP',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 25),
: ListView(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
controller: scrollController,
children: [
"We've sent an SMS with a verification code to ${widget.phoneNumber}",
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25),
const SizedBox(height: 10),
const Divider(),
if (controller.isListeningForOtpAutoRetrieve)
children: const [
SizedBox(height: 50),
'Listening for OTP',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 25,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
SizedBox(height: 15),
Text('OR', textAlign:,
const SizedBox(height: 15),
const Text(
'Enter OTP',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
const SizedBox(height: 15),
length: 6,
onFocusChange: (hasFocus) async {
if (hasFocus) await _scrollToBottomOnKeyboardOpen();
onSubmit: (enteredOtp) async {
final verified =
await controller.verifyOtp(enteredOtp);
if (verified) {
// number verify success
// will call onLoginSuccess handler
} else {
// phone verification failed
// will call onLoginFailed or onError callbacks with the error
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See the example directory for a complete sample app.
Created & Maintained By Rithik Bhandari #

GitHub: @rithik-dev
LinkedIn: @rithik-bhandari


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