Firechat | Coderz Product


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Firechat #
Firebase chat package for Flutter
Reference #

Most of the code is coming from FireFlutter.
See the test code of FireFlutter.


Make chat room and chat list singleton.
Use rxdart to notify all the event. No more render!

Overview #

Firechat does not support for file uploading since every app has different backends.

But it provides an interface for uploading photo and it should be very simple.

Resources #

Most of the code is coming from FireFlutter. It's worthy to check out FireFlutter README file.

Installation #
Packages #

crypto is for encrypting user id list for a room id.

Firebase Auth #

User must login Firebase before using any of firechat code.

Global Rooms and User Rooms #

Global rooms are the room information documents that are saved under /chat/global-rooms/list collection.

User rooms are the documents that has a room information for a single user.

The differnces of global and user rooms are;

A global room has room informations like admins, password(to enter the room), room title, blocked user list, and more of the room itself.
A user room has information of the relation between the user and the room. Like no of new messages, last message of the room, etc.

Logic of Chat Room Create #

Create global room
Send welcome messages to users (by creating user's room) in the global room.

Security Rules #

It's in firebase/firestore.rules

Test on Security Rules #

First setup Firebase project.

Then, install Firebase tools and login.
% npm install -g firebase-tools

Then, log into Firebase
% firebase login

Then, install npm for testing.

% cd firebase
% npm init -y
% npm i -D @firebase/rules-unit-testing
% npm i -D firebase-admin
% npm i -D mocha
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Then, run Firestore emualtor

firebase emulators:start --only firestore ; run firebase emulator
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Then, edit MY_PROJECT_ID with your Firebase project ID in chat.js.

Then, run the test

./node_modules/.bin/mocha tests/chat.js
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Developer Guideline #
Global varaibles #
room() {
return ChatRoom.instance;
roomList() {
return ChatRoomList.instance;

room().listen(() { ... });
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Tests #

Read the comments on top of chat.test.dart to know how to run test code.
Run the test code like below

import 'package:firechat/chat.test.dart';
a.firebaseInitialized.listen((ready) { // when firebase initialized,
if (ready == false) return;
FireChatTest().roomCreateTest(); // call test.
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