Flare Splash Screen | Coderz Product


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flare splash screen

flare_splash_screen #

Facilitator for having a Splash screen with a Flare animation until some work has been done for the initialization of the app
If you're using Rive instead of Flare please use rive_splash_screen
Usage #
Navigation #
The splash screen will show the animation and push the new route you gave once it's finish, by default it does a fade animation but you can customize it by using transitionsBuilder
name: 'intro.flr',
next: (_) => MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
until: () => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5)),
startAnimation: '1',
copied to clipboard
Callback #
The splash screen will show the animation and call the onFinished callback when it's finish.
name: 'intro.flr',
onFinished: () {
Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(PageRouteBuilder(pageBuilder: (_,__,___) => MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page')));
loopAnimation: '1',
until: () => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)),
endAnimation: '1',
copied to clipboard
name : path/name of the flare animation
next : screen to show once animation is finished as widget builder
loopAnimation: animation name to run, default same as first param
startAnimation: animation name to run once before going into loop
endAnimation: animation name to run once until is complete
until: callback that return a future to process your initialization
isLoading: alternative to until if you want to manage loading state with a boolean
height: force the height of the flare animation, by default it take the all place available
width: force the width of the flare animation, by default it take the all place available
alignment: alignment of the flare animation, center by default
transitionsBuilder transition to apply when showing next
Available animation mode #
Only one animation #
Basically you have one animation to show and then just need to stay at last frame. In order to do that only specify the startAnimation
Start and loop animation #
Your animation have an intro and a loop state, in order to do that only specify the startAnimation and loopAnimation
End and loop animation #
Your animation have a finish and a loop state, in order to do that only specify the endAnimation and loopAnimation
Start and end animation #
Your animation have an intro and a finish that should stay on the last frame, in order to do that only startAnimation and endAnimation
Start, end and loop animation #
Your animation have an intro, a finish and a loop state, in order to do that specify the startAnimation, endAnimation and loopAnimation


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