Flutter Colorpicker | Coderz Product


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flutter colorpicker

flutter_colorpicker #

HSV(HSB)/HSL/RGB/Material color picker inspired by all the good design for your amazing flutter apps.
Adorable color pickers out of the box with highly customized widgets to all developers' needs.
Web Example
Getting Started #
Use it in [showDialog] widget:
// create some values
Color pickerColor = Color(0xff443a49);
Color currentColor = Color(0xff443a49);

// ValueChanged<Color> callback
void changeColor(Color color) {
setState(() => pickerColor = color);

// raise the [showDialog] widget
context: context,
child: AlertDialog(
title: const Text('Pick a color!'),
content: SingleChildScrollView(
child: ColorPicker(
pickerColor: pickerColor,
onColorChanged: changeColor,
// Use Material color picker:
// child: MaterialPicker(
// pickerColor: pickerColor,
// onColorChanged: changeColor,
// showLabel: true, // only on portrait mode
// ),
// Use Block color picker:
// child: BlockPicker(
// pickerColor: currentColor,
// onColorChanged: changeColor,
// ),
// child: MultipleChoiceBlockPicker(
// pickerColors: currentColors,
// onColorsChanged: changeColors,
// ),
actions: <Widget>[
child: const Text('Got it'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() => currentColor = pickerColor);
copied to clipboard

Details in example folder.


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