Flutter Custom Cursor | Coderz Product


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flutter custom cursor

flutter_custom_cursor #

This plugin allows to create/set a custom mouse cursor directly from a memory buffer.
Big thanks to imiskolee to create the base of this plugin.
Platforms #


Note: Currently, the api required by this plugin on Windows is included in flutter master branch. It means that u need to use this plugin with flutter master branch on Windows platform. See flutter engine PR#36143 for details.
Update: the latest Flutter 3.7.0 does not contain PR above, which merges to flutter-3.7.0-candidate.2, while Flutter stable 3.7.0 is using flutter-3.7.0-candidate.1. This limitation will be lifted maybe in the next Flutter stable release.
Get prepared #
Register your custom cursor before #
// register this cursor
cursorName = await CursorManager.instance.registerCursor(CursorData()
..name = "test"
..buffer =
Platform.isWindows ? memoryCursorDataRawBGRA : memoryCursorDataRawPNG
..height = img.height
..width = img.width
..hotX = 0
..hotY = 0);
copied to clipboard
Note that a String cacheName will be returned by the function registerCursor, which can be used to set this cursor to system or delete this cursor.
CursorData.buffer is a Uint8List which contains the cursor data. Be aware that on Windows, buffer is formatted by rawBGRA, other OS(s) are rawPNG.
see the example project for details.
Set the custom cursor #
We have implemented the FlutterCustomMemoryImageCursor class, which is a subclass of MouseCursor. This class will automatically set the memory cursor for you. Keep it simple.
cursor: FlutterCustomMemoryImageCursor(key: cursorName),
child: Row(
children: [
Text("Memory image here", style: style),
copied to clipboard
Delete the cursor #
You can delete a cursor with the cursorName.
await CursorManager.instance.deleteCursor("cursorName");
copied to clipboard


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