Flutter Dynamic Icon | Coderz Product


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flutter dynamic icon

flutter_dynamic_icon #
A flutter plugin for dynamically changing app icon and app icon batch number in the mobile platform. Supports only iOS (with version > 10.3).
Usage #
To use this plugin, add flutter_dynamic_icon as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Getting Started #
Check out the example directory for a sample app using flutter_dynamic_icon.
iOS Integration #

2x - 120px x 120px
3x - 180px x 180px

To integrate your plugin into the iOS part of your app, follow these steps

First let us put a few images for app icons, they are

teamfortress@2x.png, teamfortress@3x.png
photos@2x.png, photos@3x.png,
chills@2x.png, chills@3x.png,

These icons shouldn't be kept in Assets.xcassets folder, but outside. When copying to Xcode, you can select 'create folder references' or 'create groups', if not you will get and error when uploading the build to the AppStore saying: (Thanks to @nohli for this observation)
TMS-90032: Invalid Image Path - - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleAlternateIcons':...

Here is my directory structure:

Next, we need to setup the Info.plist

Add Icon files (iOS 5) to the Information Property List
Add CFBundleAlternateIcons as a dictionary, it is used for alternative icons
Set 3 dictionaries under CFBundleAlternateIcons, they are correspond to teamfortress, photos, and chills
For each dictionary, two properties — UIPrerenderedIcon and CFBundleIconFiles need to be configured
If the sub-property UINewsstandIcon is showing under Icon files (iOS 5) and you don't plan on using it (it is intended for use with Newstand features), erase it or the app will get rejected upon submission on the App Store

Note that if you need it work for iPads, You need to add these icon declarations in CFBundleIcons~ipad as well. See here for more details.
Here is my Info.plist after adding Alternate Icons

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

copied to clipboard
Now, you can call FlutterDynamicIcon.setAlternateIconName with the CFBundleAlternateIcons key as the argument to set that icon.
Dart/Flutter Integration #
From your Dart code, you need to import the plugin and use it's static methods:
import 'package:flutter_dynamic_icon/flutter_dynamic_icon.dart';

try {
if (await FlutterDynamicIcon.supportsAlternateIcons) {
await FlutterDynamicIcon.setAlternateIconName("photos");
print("App icon change successful");
} on PlatformException {} catch (e) {}
print("Failed to change app icon");


// set batch number
try {
await FlutterDynamicIcon.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(9399);
} on PlatformException {} catch (e) {}

// gets currently set batch number
int batchNumber = FlutterDynamicIcon.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber();

copied to clipboard
Check out the example app for more details
Screenrecord #
Showing App Icon change #

Showing Batch number on app icon change in SpringBoard #

Reference #
This was made possible because this blog. I borrowed a lot of words from this blog.


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