Flutter File Dialog | Coderz Product


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flutter file dialog

flutter_file_dialog #
Dialogs for picking and saving files and for picking directories in Android and in iOS.
Features #

Supports Android (API level 19 or later) and iOS (11.0 or later).
Modern plugin implementation based on Kotlin (Android) and Swift (iOS).
Pick image files and other documents.
Save a file to a selected location.
Pick a directory and save files to the picked directory without further
dialogs (Android 21 or later, iOS 13 or later).
iOS dialog types: document and image.
iOS source types: camera, photo library, saved photos album.
Allow user to edit the picked image in iOS.
Set file extension filter and mime types filter when picking a document.
Possibility to limit picking a file from the local device only (Android).

Examples #
Pick an image file #
final params = OpenFileDialogParams(
dialogType: OpenFileDialogType.image,
sourceType: SourceType.photoLibrary,
final filePath = await FlutterFileDialog.pickFile(params: params);
copied to clipboard
Pick a document #
final params = OpenFileDialogParams(
dialogType: OpenFileDialogType,
sourceType: SourceType.photoLibrary,
final filePath = await FlutterFileDialog.pickFile(params: params);
copied to clipboard
Save a file #
final params = SaveFileDialogParams(sourceFilePath: "path_of_file_to_save");
final filePath = await FlutterFileDialog.saveFile(params: params);
copied to clipboard
Pick a directory and save a file to the picked directory #
if (!await FlutterFileDialog.isPickDirectorySupported()) {
print("Picking directory not supported");

final pickedDirectory = await FlutterFileDialog.pickDirectory();

if (pickedDirectory != null) {
final filePath = await FlutterFileDialog.saveFileToDirectory(
directory: pickedDirectory!,
data: file.readAsBytesSync(),
mimeType: "image/jpeg",
fileName: "fileName.jpeg",
replace: true,
copied to clipboard
Optimize picked image file using flutter_image_utilities #
Use the plugin flutter_image_utilities to optimize a picked image file.
final params = OpenFileDialogParams(
dialogType: OpenFileDialogType.image,
sourceType: SourceType.photoLibrary,
final filePath = await FlutterFileDialog.pickFile(params: params);

if (filePath != null) {
final pickedFile = File(filePath)

// optimize the image file
final optimizedFile = await FlutterImageUtilities.saveAsJpeg(
sourceFile: pickedFile,
quality: 60,
maxWidth: 1920,
maxHeight: 1024,
copied to clipboard


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