Flutter Hop | Coderz Product


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flutter hop

A simple library for applying the Humble Object Pattern in order to create clean, testable widgets.
Features #
This package might be helpful to you if:

a high level of test coverage is required
you apply test driven development to app development
you find it difficult to separate UI logic from appearance
the widgets you create depend on too many details

Usage #
Using the library will feel very familiar. Let's start by creating a simple button as a HumbleStatelessWidget.

Write a test! (skip ahead if you still haven't been converted to TDD 😜). Be sure to include tests for all logic that is important to you. This may include strings, colors, padding -- anything that is necessary to make the widget "right".

bool testSimpleButtonLogic(){
bool tapped = false;
final logic = SimpleButtonLogic(text: 'test', onTap: () {
tapped = true;
if (logic.text != 'test') return false;
if (tapped == false) return false;
return true;
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Create a plain old Dart object to represent the UI element's logic.

class SimpleButtonLogic {
SimpleButtonLogic({required this.text, required this.onTap});

final String text;
final Function() onTap;
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Once your class passes it's tests, you will use it to create your widget. Use the logic getter to access your widget's logic.

class SimpleButton extends HumbleStatelessWidget<SimpleButtonLogic> {
SimpleButton(SimpleButtonLogic logic) : super(logic, key: Key('SimpleButton'));

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
child: Text(logic.text),
onPressed: () => logic.onTap(),
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That's it! You now have a testable (albeit simple) widget! Take a look at the example folder for creating a HumbleStatefulWidget.
Additional information #
The amount of source code in the library is minuscule, and it doesn't constitute anything new or bleeding-edge. However, use of this library will help the average developer apply high level and highly-esteemed software engineering principles to their code.
Learn more about the Humble Object Pattern here: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/HumbleObject.html.
Contribute at https://github.com/brettlaws/flutter_hop.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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