Flutter Joystick | Coderz Product


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flutter joystick

Flutter Joystick #

Flutter Joystick is a virtual joystick package for Flutter applications that provides interactive
joystick components for user interface design.
See Examples
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Table of Contents #

Joystick Area

Joystick #

The Joystick widget is a virtual joystick that allows users to drag a stick within a defined area.
You can customize its behavior and appearance. Here's how you can use it:
Joystick(listener: (details) {
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Joystick Arguments:


A callback function that is invoked at a specified frequency (period) when the joystick stick is dragged. The listener parameter, details, provides the stick's offset from the center of the base (ranging from -1.0 to +1.0).

(Optional) The frequency at which the listener callback is triggered from the moment the stick is dragged. The default is 100 milliseconds.

(Optional) The possible direction mode of the joystick stick. The default mode is all, allowing movement in any direction: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.

(Optional) Decides if the stick's initial movement animation should be included. By default [true].

This information clarifies the purpose and usage of each parameter for the Joystick widget.


Allows movement of the joystick stick in any direction: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.

Restricts movement of the joystick stick to the vertical direction only.

Restricts movement of the joystick stick to the horizontal direction only.

Restricts movement of the joystick stick to both horizontal and vertical directions, but not diagonal.

These modes define how the joystick stick can be moved, providing flexibility in tailoring the
joystick's behavior to specific requirements.

Joystick Area #

The JoystickArea widget allows you to render a joystick anywhere within a designated area when the
user interacts with it. It shares similar properties with the Joystick widget.
listener: (details) {
child: ...
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Additional JoystickArea Arguments:


(Optional) Sets the initial alignment of the joystick within the joystick area. By default, it is aligned to Alignment.bottomCenter.

(Optional) The widget that is contained within the joystick area, allowing you to place other elements or widgets alongside the joystick.

These arguments provide additional customization options for the JoystickArea widget, allowing you
to control the initial alignment and include child widgets for a more versatile user interface.
Customization #
Customization Options:
The Joystick and JoystickArea widgets are highly customizable, allowing you to tailor their appearance and behavior to fit your application's unique requirements. Below are the parameters you can adjust:


(Optional) The widget responsible for rendering the joystick's base. By default, it uses JoystickBase, but you can replace it with any widget to change its look. For example, you can use a custom image or a different shape.

(Optional) The widget that defines the appearance of the joystick stick. It is centered within the base widget. The default is JoystickStick, but you can customize it to be any widget, such as an icon, image, or animated widget.

(Optional) A function that determines the stick's offset based on the starting position of the stick drag and its current position. The package supports circular and rectangular shapes through CircleStickOffsetCalculator and RectangleStickOffsetCalculator respectively. You can create custom offset calculators for other shapes.

These customization parameters empower you to create distinctive and unique joystick experiences for
your Flutter applications.


Joystick( base: JoystickBase( decoration: JoystickBaseDecoration( middleCircleColor: Colors.red.shade400, drawOuterCircle: false, drawInnerCircle: false, boxShadowColor: Colors.red.shade100, ), ), stick: JoystickStick( decoration: JoystickStickDecoration( color: Colors.red, ), ), listener: (details) {..},)copied to clipboard

Joystick( base: JoystickBase( decoration: JoystickBaseDecoration( color: Colors.black, drawOuterCircle: false, ), arrowsDecoration: JoystickArrowsDecoration( color: Colors.blue, ), ), listener: (details) {..},)copied to clipboard

Joystick( includeInitialAnimation: false, base: JoystickBase( decoration: JoystickBaseDecoration( color: Colors.orange, ), arrowsDecoration: JoystickArrowsDecoration( color: Colors.grey, enableAnimation: false, ), ), stick: JoystickStick( decoration: JoystickStickDecoration( color: Colors.grey, shadowColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.5) ), ), listener: (details) {..},)copied to clipboard

Joystick( base: JoystickSquareBase(), stickOffsetCalculator: const RectangleStickOffsetCalculator(), listener: (details) {..},)copied to clipboard

Joystick( stick: const CircleAvatar( radius: 30, child: FlutterLogo(size: 50), ), base: Container( width: 200, height: 200, decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.grey, shape: BoxShape.circle, ), ), listener: (details) {..},)copied to clipboard

These examples highlight the flexibility of the joystick widget and provide a foundation for you to create your own customized joystick designs.
Donate #
If you find this package helpful and would like to support its continued development, please consider making a donation. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and motivate the further enhancement of this and other plugins.

Your support helps in maintaining and improving this package, ensuring it remains up-to-date and useful for the community.
Thank you for your generosity!
Contributors #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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