Flutter Map Location Marker | Coderz Product


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flutter map location marker

flutter_map_location_marker #

flutter_map_location_marker is a flutter_map plugin for
displaying device's current location on a map. It provides a simple and flexible way to add a
customizable location marker to your map.

Join flutter_map Discord server to talk
about flutter_map_location_marker, get help and help others in the #plugins channel.
Features #

Simple: The only thing you need to do is to add a CurrentLocationLayer() in to your map
because all parameters have good default values.

Flexible: The default implementation receives the device's position from
the geolocator package and the device's heading from
the flutter_compass package, but with type conversion,
streams from other sources are also supported.

Auto-following: The map follows the new location when location is updated. This feature is
disabled by default.

Auto-rotating: The map can be rotated automatically as navigation mode. This feature is
disabled by default.

Customization: The location marker can be fully customized, including the colors of the
accuracy circle and header.

Usage #

Add flutter_map_location_marker to your pubspec.yaml:
flutter_map_location_marker: any # or latest version
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Add permission by following the instructions from
the geolocator package.

Add the layer widget into FlutterMap:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FlutterMap(
children: [
urlTemplate: 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
maxZoom: 19,
CurrentLocationLayer(), // <-- add layer here
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Discover more parameters
in CurrentLocationLayer
Widget build() {
return CurrentLocationLayer(
followOnLocationUpdate: FollowOnLocationUpdate.always,
turnOnHeadingUpdate: TurnOnHeadingUpdate.never,
style: LocationMarkerStyle(
marker: const DefaultLocationMarker(
child: Icon(
color: Colors.white,
markerSize: const Size(40, 40),
markerDirection: MarkerDirection.heading,
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Consider using either
the AnimatedLocationMarkerLayer
the LocationMarkerLayer
if multiple location markers need to be displayed.

Examples #

Marker Customization :
Change the marker to any widget you want.

Floating Action Button to Follow Current Location :
Use a floating action button to move and zoom the map to the current location.

Change Geolocator Settings :
Define Geolocator settings yourself.

Selectable Distance Filter :
Change Geolocator settings at the runtime.

Custom Stream :
Use your own stream, such as position stream from another library or predefined route, as the

No Stream :
Use Flutter setState() to update position and heading.

Navigation Mode :
Rotate the map to keep heading pointing upward.

Default Stream :
Share the default streams between your app and this plugin.

Q: How to get
the positionStream
, headingStream
or their origin streams from a CurrentLocationLayer widget?
A: No, you should not get these streams from a CurrentLocationLayer widget. Instead, create you
own streams with the the same types and also pass it to all the widgets which need them.
CurrentLocationLayer doesn't own the streams; it just listens to them. You can use any
implementation of position and heading streams, as long as the stream types are
Stream<Position> and Stream<double>, respectively. You may
see this example
to know about how to do this.


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