Flutter Material Color Picker | Coderz Product


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flutter material color picker

Flutter Material Color Picker #
Material Color picker is a Flutter widget, that can be customizable.
By default, it's Material Colors, but you can define your own colors.
You can also use CircleColor widget to display color in your app.
Example, you can set the color picker in a dialog and display the selected color in a ListTile, for settings.
How to use it #
These examples use a static color for 'selectedColor', but you can use a variable (state)
Add to your Flutter project #
You just need to add flutter_material_color_picker as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
flutter_material_color_picker: ^1.2.0
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Import #
import 'package:flutter_material_color_picker/flutter_material_color_picker.dart';
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Basic #
onColorChange: (Color color) {
// Handle color changes
selectedColor: Colors.red
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Listen main color changes #
onColorChange: (Color color) {
// Handle color changes
onMainColorChange: (ColorSwatch color) {
// Handle main color changes
selectedColor: Colors.red
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Disallow Shades #
allowShades: false, // default true
onMainColorChange: (ColorSwatch color) {
// Handle main color changes
selectedColor: Colors.red
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If allowShades is set to false then only main colors will be shown and allowed to be selected.
onColorChange will not be called, use onMainColorChange instead.
Custom colors #
In this example, custom colors are a list of Material Colors (class who extend of ColorSwatch).
But you can create your own list of ColorSwatch.
onColorChange: (Color color) {
// Handle color changes
selectedColor: Colors.red,
colors: [
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Screenshot #
Color selection #
There is two step, first choose the main color, and when you press it, you have to choose a shade of the main color.
By default it's all Material Colors, but you can define custom colors, a list of ColorSwatch.

Example of usages #
You can insert the color picker into a Dialog

Display color #
You can use CircleColor widget, to display the selected color into your settings for example.


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