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flutter multi formatter

flutter_multi_formatter #

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Formatters Included #

Phone Formatter
Credit / Debit Card Formatter
Money Formatter
Masked Formatter
Pinyin syllable separating formatter

Special utilities #

Bitcoin (BTC) wallet validator;
Digit extractor (allows to extract all digits out of a string)
Phone number validator (the check is based on country phone codes and masks so it's a more serious and reliable validation than a simple regular expression)
"Is digit" checker (Simply checks if an input string value a digit or not)
Currency string formatter (allows to convert a number to a currency string representation e.g. this 10000 to this 10,000.00$)
Unfocuser (a widget that is used to unfocus any text fields without any boilerplate code. Extremely simple to use)
PinyinUtils class that contains a few useful methods to work with chinese

PinyinUtils.clearPunctuation : removes all punctuations from a string, including special chinese punctuation
PinyinUtils.containsTone: returns true if a string contains some tone. False otherwise
PinyinUtils.getPinyinTones returns a list of int's with all syllable tones in a sentence
PinyinUtils.getPinyinTone the same as PinyinUtils.getPinyinTones but for a single syllable. Returns its tone. 5 means neutral tone

Formatting a phone #

countryCode: 'RU',
newMask: '+0 (000) 000 00 00',
countryCode: 'BR',
alternativeMasks: [
'+00 (00) 0000-0000',
'+(00) 00000',
'+00 (00) 00-0000',
/// There is also a possibility to enter endless phones
/// by setting allowEndlessPhone to true
/// this means that you can enter a phone number of any length
/// its part that matches a mask will be formatted
/// and the rest will be entered unformatted
/// is will allow you to support any phones (even those that are not supported by the formatter yet)
onCountrySelected: _onCountrySelected,
allowEndlessPhone: true,
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Using a pre-defined country code #

PhoneCountryData? _initialCountryData;

children: [
flex: 3,
child: CountryDropdown(
printCountryName: true,
initialPhoneCode: '7',
onCountrySelected: (PhoneCountryData countryData) {
setState(() {
_initialCountryData = countryData;
SizedBox(width: 10.0),
flex: 5,
child: TextFormField(
key: ValueKey(_initialCountryData ?? 'country'),
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
hintText: _initialCountryData?.phoneMaskWithoutCountryCode,
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black.withOpacity(.3)),
errorStyle: TextStyle(
color: Colors.red,
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
allowEndlessPhone: false,
defaultCountryCode: _initialCountryData?.countryCode,
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You can also filter the list of countries if you need
printCountryName: true,
initialPhoneCode: '7',
filter: PhoneCodes.findCountryDatasByCountryCodes(
countryIsoCodes: [
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Formatting a credit / debit card #

Formatting currencies #

Using: #
import 'package:flutter_multi_formatter/flutter_multi_formatter.dart';
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A list of formatters included #
/// for phone numbers with a fully automated detection

/// for anything that can be masked

/// for credit / debit cards

/// for currencies
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Utility methods and widgets #
Validates Bitcoin wallets (also supports bech32)
You can use these example wallets to test the validator
P2PKH addresses start with the number 1
Example: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2
P2SH addresses start with the number 3
Example: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy
Bech32 addresses also known as "bc1 addresses" start with bc1
Example: bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq
/// a simple check if its a BTC wallet or not, regardless of its type
bool isBitcoinWalletValid(String value);

/// a bit more complicated check which can return the type of
/// BTC wallet and return SegWit (Bech32), Regular, or None if
/// the string is not a BTC address
BitcoinWalletType getBitcoinWalletType(String value);

/// Detailed check, for those who need to get more details
/// of the wallet. Returns the address type, the network, and
/// the wallet type along with its address.
/// It always returns BitcoinWalletDetails object. To check if it's
/// valid or not use bitcoinWalletDetails.isValid getter
/// IMPORTANT The BitcoinWalletDetails class overrides an
/// equality operators so two BitcoinWalletDetails objects can be
/// compared simply like this bwd1 == bwd2
BitcoinWalletDetails getBitcoinWalletDetails(String? value);

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Gets all numbers out of a string and joins them into a new string
e.g. a string like fGgfjh456bb78 will be converted into this: 45678
import 'package:flutter_multi_formatter/flutter_multi_formatter.dart';

String toNumericString(String text);
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returns 'true' if the checked character is a digit
import 'package:flutter_multi_formatter/flutter_multi_formatter.dart';

bool isDigit(String character);
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toCurrencyString() is used by the CurrencyInputFormatter internally
but you can also use it directly
import 'package:flutter_multi_formatter/flutter_multi_formatter.dart';

String toCurrencyString(String value, {
int mantissaLength = 2,
/// in case you need a period as a thousand separator
/// simply change ThousandSeparator.Comma to ThousandSeparator.Period
/// and you will get 1.000.000,00 instead of 1,000,000.00
ThousandSeparator thousandSeparator = ThousandSeparator.Comma,
ShorteningPolicy shorteningPolicy = ShorteningPolicy.NoShortening,
String leadingSymbol = '',
String trailingSymbol = '',
bool useSymbolPadding = false

print(toCurrencyString('123456', leadingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.DOLLAR_SIGN)); // $123,456.00

/// the values can also be shortened to thousands, millions, billions...
/// in this case a 1000 will be displayed as 1K, and 1250000 will turn to this 1.25M
var result = toCurrencyString(
leadingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.DOLLAR_SIGN,
shorteningPolicy: ShorteningPolicy.RoundToThousands
); // $125K

result = toCurrencyString(
leadingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.DOLLAR_SIGN,
shorteningPolicy: ShorteningPolicy.RoundToMillions
); // 1.25M

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There's also an "extension" version of this function which can be used on
double, int and String.
import 'package:flutter_multi_formatter/flutter_multi_formatter.dart';

var someNumericValue = 123456;
print(someNumericValue.toCurrencyString(leadingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.DOLLAR_SIGN)); // $123,456.00

var someNumericStringValue = '123456';
print(someNumericStringValue.toCurrencyString(trailingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.EURO_SIGN)); // 123,456.00€
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Unfocuser allows you to unfocus any text input and hide the onscreen keyboard
when you tap outside of a text input. Use it like this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Unfocuser(
child: Scaffold(
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(30.0),
child: Form(
key: _formKey,
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
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More detailed description #
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Automatically detects the country the phone number belongs to and formats the number according
to its mask.
You don't have to care about keeping track of the list of countries or anything else.
The whole process is completely automated.
You simply add this formatter to the list of formatters like this:
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
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You can also get a country data for the selected phone number by simply passing a callback function to your
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
PhoneInputFormatter(onCountrySelected: (PhoneCountryData countryData) {
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CreditCardNumberInputFormatter automatically detects a type of a card based on a predefined
list of card system and formats the number accordingly.
This detection is pretty rough and may not work with many card system.
All supported systems are available as string constants in
class CardSystem {
static const String MIR = 'MIR';
static const String UNION_PAY = 'UnionPay';
static const String VISA = 'Visa';
static const String MASTERCARD = 'Mastercard';
static const String JCB = 'JCB';
static const String DISCOVER = 'Discover';
static const String MAESTRO = 'Maestro';
static const String AMERICAN_EXPRESS = 'Amex';
static const String DINERS_CLUB = 'DinersClub';
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Anyway, if the number is not supported it will just be returned as it is and your input will not
break because of that
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [
CreditCardNumberInputFormatter(onCardSystemSelected: (CardSystemData cardSystemData) {

/// there's also a method to format a number as a card number
/// the method is located in a credit_card_number_input_formatter.dart file
String formatAsCardNumber(
String cardNumber, {
bool useSeparators = true,

/// and a method to check is a card is valid
bool isCardNumberValid(required String cardNumber,
bool checkLength = false,
bool useLuhnAlgo = true,
/// but it will return true only if the card system is supported,
/// so you should not really rely on that

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Masked formatter #
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This formatter allows you to easily format a text by a mask
This formatter processes current text selection very carefully so that input does not
feel unnatural
Use it like any other formatters
/// # matches any character and 0 matches digits
/// so, in order to format a string like this GHJ45GHJHN to GHJ-45-GHJHN
/// use a mask like this
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
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But in case you want # (hash symbol) to match only some particular values, you can pass
a regular expression to [anyCharMatcher] parameter
/// in this scenario, the # symbol will only match uppercase latin letters
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
MaskedInputFormatter('###-00-#####', anyCharMatcher: RegExp(r'[A-Z]'))
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Money Input formatter #
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keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [
leadingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.DOLLAR_SIGN

keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [
trailingSymbol: CurrencySymbols.EURO_SIGN,
useSymbolPadding: true,
mantissaLength: 3 // the length of the fractional side

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Point of Sale input formatter #
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Allows you to enter numbers like you would normally do
on a sales terminal
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [
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Chinese Pinyin separating #

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Allows to split a phrase into pinyin syllables
e.g. wohenhaonine?
will turn into
It works irregarding tones, so you can enter text with plain english
characters and it will still work
inputFormatters: [
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Or you can use some utility methods like
final value = PinyinUtils.splitToSyllablesBySeparator(
print(value); /// wǒ'hěn'gāo'xìng'rèn'shi'nǐ
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For more details see example project. And feel free to open an issue if you find any bugs of errors


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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