Flutter Platform Alert | Coderz Product


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flutter platform alert

flutter_platform_alert #
2021 and onwards © Weizhong Yang a.k.a zonble.

A simple plugin to present native alerts, including playing alert sounds and
showing alert dialogs on various platforms including iOS, Android, Windows,
macOS and Linux.

It uses following API to show play alert sound.

iOS: AudioService
Android: RingtoneManager
macOS: NSSound
Windows: MessageBeep
Linux: gtk_widget_error_bell

It uses following API to show alert dialogs.

iOS: UIAlertController (It requires iOS 8)
Android: AlertDialog
macOS: NSAlert
Windows: MessageBox and
Linux: GtkMessageDialog

The package was developed and tested on

iOS 15
Android 11
macOS 11 Big Sur and mac OS 12 Monterey / Xcode 13
Windows 10 / Visual Studio Community 2019
Ubuntu 21.10

Getting Started #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file by flutter pub add flutter_platform_alert.
Run flutter pub get.

To play platform alert sound.
import 'package:flutter_platform_alert/flutter_platform_alert.dart';
await FlutterPlatformAlert.playAlertSound();
copied to clipboard
To show a platform alert dialog.
import 'package:flutter_platform_alert/flutter_platform_alert.dart';
await FlutterPlatformAlert.playAlertSound();

final clickedButton = await FlutterPlatformAlert.showAlert(
windowTitle: 'This ia title',
text: 'This is body',
alertStyle: AlertButtonStyle.yesNoCancel,
iconStyle: IconStyle.information,
copied to clipboard
To show an alert dialog with custom button titles:
import 'package:flutter_platform_alert/flutter_platform_alert.dart';
await FlutterPlatformAlert.playAlertSound();

final result = await FlutterPlatformAlert.showCustomAlert(
windowTitle: 'This is title',
text: 'This is body',
positiveButtonTitle: "Positive",
negativeButtonTitle: "Negative",
neutralButtonTitle: "Neutral",
options: PlatformAlertOptions(
windows: WindowsAlertOptions(
additionalWindowTitle: 'Window title',
showAsLinks: true,
copied to clipboard
Platform Alert Dialogs #
Alert Styles #
When calling showCustomAlert, you can assign any button titles and use up to
three buttons. Once there is no button title specified, it falls back to only an
"OK" button.
When calling showAlert, you can specify the buttons listed in the alert dialog
by passing alertStyle argument. The package follows the API design on Windows
(see the reference of MessageBox win32
and it provides following styles:

Abort, retry and ignore
Cancel, try again and continue
OK and cancel
Retry and cancel
Yes and no
Yes, no, and cancel

Since each platform has its own conventions, the order of these buttons are not
guaranteed to be the same.
Icon Styles #
The package also follow the API design of MessageBox on Windows to add icons to
the alert dialogs (see the link above). There are several different icons styles
but actually four:

No icon
Warning icon
Information icon
Question icon

Please note that these icons are not available on iOS and Android.
Themes/Dark or Light Mode #
On iOS and macOS, the alert dialogs follows the dark/light mode settings on
users' system. On Linux, the alert dialogs are rendered with current GTK theme.
On Windows, they are always in light mode even you choose to use dark mode on
Windows 10 and Windows 11.
On Android, the alert dialog uses the default theme of Material design
(as Theme.Material.Dialog.Alert).
Localization #
Since the plugin calls native API, if you want to localize buttons like "OK",
"Cancel" and so on on Platforms like iOS, macOS and Linux, you have to do some
works in your app.

To localize the button titles on iOS and macOS, add "Localizable.strings" or
"Localizable.stringsdict" files in your Xcode project. Visit Apple's official
page for localization for further
On Linux, we use gettext to localize
apps. Please update the PO files in your projects once you integrate the

Android apps embeds resources for localized strings. The localized strings files
for the project are located under
Once you need to add new languages, just fork the project and put your files
under the folder.
On Windows, the buttons on the message boxes will be in the Windows system
License #
The package in released under MIT License.
Screenshots #
Android 13 on Pixel 6 emulator

iOS 16 in Simulator

iOS 15 in Simulator (IosAlertOptions: alertStyle = IosAlertStyle.actionSheet)

macOS 12 Monterey

Windows 10 with MessageBox API

Windows 11 with TaskDialogIndirect API

Windows 11 with TaskDialogIndirect API that shows buttons as links

Ubuntu 21.10


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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