Flutter Slidable | Coderz Product


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flutter slidable

Slidable is a Flutter Favorite package!
flutter_slidable #
A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed.
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Migration from 0.6.0 #
You can read this small guide to migrate from the 0.6 to the 1.0 version: https://github.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/wiki/Migration-from-version-0.6.0-to-version-1.0.0
Features #

Accepts start (left/top) and end (right/bottom) action panes.
Can be dismissed.
4 built-in action panes.
2 built-in slide action widgets.
1 built-in dismiss animation.
You can easily create custom layouts and animations.
You can use a builder to create your slide actions if you want special effects during animation.
Closes when a slide action has been tapped (overridable).
Closes when the nearest Scrollable starts to scroll (overridable).
Option to disable the slide effect easily.

Install #
In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
flutter_slidable: <latest_version>
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In your library add the following import:
import 'package:flutter_slidable/flutter_slidable.dart';
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Getting started #
// Specify a key if the Slidable is dismissible.
key: const ValueKey(0),

// The start action pane is the one at the left or the top side.
startActionPane: ActionPane(
// A motion is a widget used to control how the pane animates.
motion: const ScrollMotion(),

// A pane can dismiss the Slidable.
dismissible: DismissiblePane(onDismissed: () {}),

// All actions are defined in the children parameter.
children: const [
// A SlidableAction can have an icon and/or a label.
onPressed: doNothing,
backgroundColor: Color(0xFFFE4A49),
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: Icons.delete,
label: 'Delete',
onPressed: doNothing,
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF21B7CA),
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: Icons.share,
label: 'Share',

// The end action pane is the one at the right or the bottom side.
endActionPane: const ActionPane(
motion: ScrollMotion(),
children: [
// An action can be bigger than the others.
flex: 2,
onPressed: doNothing,
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF7BC043),
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: Icons.archive,
label: 'Archive',
onPressed: doNothing,
backgroundColor: Color(0xFF0392CF),
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
icon: Icons.save,
label: 'Save',

// The child of the Slidable is what the user sees when the
// component is not dragged.
child: const ListTile(title: Text('Slide me')),
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Motions #
Any ActionPane has a motion parameter which allow you to define how the pane animates when the user drag the Slidable.
Behind Motion #
The actions appear as if they where behind the Slidable:

Drawer Motion #
Animate the actions as if they were drawers, when the Slidable is moving:

Scroll Motion #
The actions follow the Slidable while it's moving:

Stretch Motion #
Animate the actions as if they were streched while the Slidable is moving:

Controller #
You can use SlidableController to open or close the actions programmatically:
final controller = SlidableController();

// ...

controller: controller,
// ...

// ...

// Open the actions
void _handleOpen() {
// OR

void _handleOpen() {
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You can read the FAQ here: https://github.com/letsar/flutter_slidable/wiki/FAQ
Sponsoring #
I'm working on my packages on my free-time, but I don't have as much time as I would. If this package or any other package I created is helping you, please consider to sponsor me so that I can take time to read the issues, fix bugs, merge pull requests and add features to these packages.
Contributions #
Feel free to contribute to this project.
If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.


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