Flutter State Notifier | Coderz Product


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flutter state notifier

Welcome to flutter_state_notifier~
This repository is a side-package that is destined to be used together with state_notifier.
It adds extra Flutter bindings to StateNotifier, such as provider integration.
The available widgets #
StateNotifierProvider #
StateNotifierProvider is the equivalent of ChangeNotifierProvider but for
Its job is to both create a StateNotifier and dispose it when the provider
is removed from the widget tree.
If the created StateNotifier uses LocatorMixin, StateNotifierProvider will
also do the necessary to make read/update work with provider.
It is used like most providers, with a small difference:
Instead of exposing one value, it exposes two values at the same time:

The StateNotifier instance
The state of the StateNotifier

Which means that when you write:
class MyState {}

class MyStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<MyState> {
MyStateNotifier(): super(MyState());

// ...

providers: [
StateNotifierProvider<MyStateNotifier, MyState>(create: (_) => MyStateNotifier()).
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This allows you to both:

obtain the StateNotifier in the widget tree, by writing context.read<MyStateNotifier>()
obtain and observe the current [MyState], through context.watch<MyState>()

StateNotifierBuilder #
StateNotifierBuilder is equivalent to ValueListenableBuilder from Flutter.
It allows you to listen to a StateNotifier and rebuild your UI accordingly, but
does not create/dispose/provide the object.
As opposed to StateNotifierProvider, this will not make read/update of
StateNotifier work.
It is used as such:
class MyState {}

class MyStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<MyState> {
MyStateNotifier(): super(MyState());

// ...

MyStateNotifier stateNotifier;

return StateNotifierBuilder<MyState>(
stateNotifier: stateNotifier,
builder: (BuildContext context, MyState state, Widget child) {
return Text('$state');
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