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flutterwave port
Flutterwave Flutter SDK Port #
Table of Contents #
Getting Started
Built Using
About #
Flutterwave's Flutter SDK is Flutterwave's offical flutter sdk to integrate the Flutterwave payment into your flutter app. It comes with a readymade Drop In UI.
The payment methods currently supported are Cards, USSD, Mpesa, GH Mobile Money, UG Mobile Money, ZM Mobile Money, Rwanda Mobile Money, Franc Mobile Money and Nigeria Bank Account.
Getting Started #
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
See references for links to dashboard and API documentation.
Prerequisite #
Ensure you have your test (and live) API keys.
Flutter version >= 1.17.0
Flutterwave version 3 API keys
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Installing #
Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
Step 2. Add the dependency
In your pubspec.yaml file add:
flutterwave: 0.0.3-dev.2
run flutter pub get
Usage #
1. Create a Flutterwave instance #
Create a Flutterwave instance by calling the constructor Flutterwave.forUIPayment() The constructor accepts a mandatory instance of the following:
the calling Context , publicKey, encryptionKey, amount, currency, email, fullName, txRef, isDebugMode and phoneNumber . It returns an instance of Flutterwave which we then call the async method .initializeForUiPayments() on.
beginPayment async () {
try {
Flutterwave flutterwave = Flutterwave.forUIPayment(
context: this.context,
currency: this.currency,
amount: this.amount,
email: "",
fullName: "Valid Full Name",
txRef: this.txref,
isDebugMode: true,
phoneNumber: "0123456789",
acceptCardPayment: true,
acceptUSSDPayment: false,
acceptAccountPayment: false,
acceptFrancophoneMobileMoney: false,
acceptGhanaPayment: false,
acceptMpesaPayment: false,
acceptRwandaMoneyPayment: true,
acceptUgandaPayment: false,
acceptZambiaPayment: false)
final ChargeResponse response = await flutterwave.initializeForUiPayments();
} catch(error) {
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2. Handle the response #
Calling the .initialiazeForUiPayments() method returns a Future
of ChargeResponse which we await for the actual response as seen above.
An example of how to make payment in a Widget would look like this:
class PaymentWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_PaymentWidgetState createState() => _PaymentWidgetState();
class _PaymentWidgetState extends State<PaymentWidget> {
final String txref = "My_unique_transaction_reference_123";
final String amount = "200";
final String currency = FlutterwaveCurrency.RWF;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
beginPayment() async {
final Flutterwave flutterwave = Flutterwave.forUIPayment(
context: this.context,
currency: this.currency,
amount: this.amount,
email: "",
fullName: "Valid Full Name",
txRef: this.txref,
isDebugMode: true,
phoneNumber: "0123456789",
acceptCardPayment: true,
acceptUSSDPayment: false,
acceptAccountPayment: false,
acceptFrancophoneMobileMoney: false,
acceptGhanaPayment: false,
acceptMpesaPayment: false,
acceptRwandaMoneyPayment: true,
acceptUgandaPayment: false,
acceptZambiaPayment: false);
try {
final ChargeResponse response = await flutterwave.initializeForUiPayments();
if (response == null) {
// user didn't complete the transaction.
} else {
final isSuccessful = checkPaymentIsSuccessful(response);
if (isSuccessful) {
// provide value to customer
} else {
// check message
// check status
// check processor error
} catch (error, stacktrace) {
// handleError(error);
bool checkPaymentIsSuccessful(final ChargeResponse response) {
return == FlutterwaveConstants.SUCCESSFUL && == this.currency && == this.amount && == this.txref;
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Please note that:
ChargeResponse can be null, depending on if the user cancels
the transaction by pressing back.
You need to check the status of the transaction from the instance of ChargeResponse returned from calling .initializeForUiPayments(), the amount, currency and txRef are correct before providing value to the customer
To accept payment of different kinds, you need set the currency to the correspending payment type i.e, KES for Mpesa, RWF for Rwanda Mobile Money, NGN for USSD,
Bank Accounts Payment and so on.
We advise you to do a further verification of transaction's details on your server to be sure everything checks out before providing service or goods as seen in the checkPaymentIsSuccessful() method above.
Deployment #
Switch to Live Mode on the Dashboard settings page
Use the Live Public API key from the API tab, see here for more details.
Built Using #
Flutterwave API References #
Flutterwave API Doc
Flutterwave Inline Payment Doc
Flutterwave Dashboard
Support #
Have issues? Reach out via our Issues Page for any bugs
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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