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former gen
former_gen #
Code generation for former.
Usage #
Make sure build_runner is installed.
Annotate your form class with @Formable
Add part '<file-name>.g.dart'; before your class declaration
Add class YourForm = _YourForm with _$YourFormIndexable;
Run flutter pub get build_runner build
A .g.dart file should be generated next to the file that contains your form class.
What's generated #
A mixin that makes your form class "indexable" with the bracket operator.
An enum class that includes all the fields of your form.
They are used when you need to specify what field a particular
Former widget should control.
A schema class that you should create when using the Former widget.
Use it to describe the requirements of your form, using either the built-in validators
or create your own by implementing Validator class.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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