Gh Trend | Coderz Product


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gh trend

GitHub trending scraper for dart and flutter.

Trending repositories #
var result = await ghTrendingRepositories();
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The ghTrendingRepositories() method will return a list of GithubRepoItem.
It also provides optional parameters like:
var result = await ghTrendingRepositories(
spokenLanguageCode: 'en',
programmingLanguage: 'javascript',
dateRange: GhTrendDateRange.thisWeek, // or `today` or `thisMonth`.
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Trending developers #
var result = await ghTrendingDevelopers();
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The ghTrendingDevelopers() method will return a list of GithubDeveloperItem.
It also provides optional parameters like:
var result = await ghTrendingDevelopers(
programmingLanguage: 'javascript',
dateRange: GhTrendDateRange.thisWeek, // or `today` or `thisMonth`.
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Parameters #
spokenLanguageCode - use the provided ghSpokenLanguages map to access all spoken languages. You can use the map value for the UI and map key for the parameter.
programmingLanguage - use the provided ghProgrammingLanguages map to access all programming languages. You can use the map value for the UI and map key for the parameter.
dateRange - use the GhTrendDateRange enum to access all possible date range. Call the provided method ghDateRangeLabel(...) for displaying the value to the UI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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