Gods Eye | Coderz Product


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gods eye

What is God’s Eye ? #
God’s Eye is used to collect data from your testers before release or your actual users after release.
The collected data include Location, Device information, Application Usage, In-App Feedback, etc.
Before using this package, you need to create a account in God's Eye.
To know about the compleate process read this Medium Blog.
Getting started #
Step 1: Add the dependencies #
sdk: flutter
gods_eye: "<newest version>"
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Step 2: Import gods_eye.dart #
import 'package:gods_eye/gods_eye.dart';
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Network permission must be added for Android and IOS.
Location permission for Android and IOS must be added to access the location.
Step 3: Make a function #
Make this function in your main.dart file.
The parameter godsEyeID: The God’s Eye ID you have in your Dashboard.

firstFunction() async {
GodsEye godsEye = GodsEye(godsEyeID: '###############');
await godsEye.start();

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Step 4: Call the function #
The function must to be called in the void initState() of the Home Screen or the first Screen.

void initState() {

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Step 5: God’s Eye Feedback #
Call the Screen GodsEyeFeedback() where you need to get feedback from the user.

onPressed: () {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return GodsEyeFeedback();

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To view the compleate main.dart file, click here


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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