Google Places Autocomplete Text Field


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google places autocomplete text field

google_places_autocomplete_text_field #
Add the dependency to pubspec.yml ➕ #
sdk: flutter
google_places_autocomplete_text_field: <last-version>

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Integrate the Google AutoComplete TextField Widget in your code 🧩 #
textEditingController: controller,
proxyURL: "", // only needed if you build for the web
debounceTime: 400, // defaults to 600 ms
countries: ["de"], // optional, by default the list is empty (no restrictions)
isLatLngRequired: true, // if you require the coordinates from the place details
getPlaceDetailWithLatLng: (prediction) {
// this method will return latlng with place detail
print("Coordinates: (${},${prediction.lng})");
}, // this callback is called when isLatLngRequired is true
itmClick: (prediction) {
controller.text = prediction.description;
controller.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: prediction.description.length));

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Integrate the Google AutoComplete TextField Widget in your Web code 🌐 #
In case you're building for the web, you need to pass the widget a proxy URL, otherwise you will receive a CORS-Error, as there are calls to the Google Maps API being made from the frontend. If you are not Google, your domain will probably be different, thus leading to the CORS-Error. If you are Google: how ya doin 😏? I'd love to do an internship.
Customization Option #
You can customize the GooglePlacesAutoCompleteTextFormField as you would with any other TextFormField.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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