Hkqr Fps | Coderz Product


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hkqr fps

hkqr_fps #
Encode structural FPS information to a QR code string or
Decode a QR code String to structural FPS information based on
the specification.
Getting Started #
Encode #
final qrString = HKQrInfo(
isDynamic: true,
fpsProxy: FpsProxy(FpsType.fpsId, '123456'),
amount: '0.01',
copied to clipboard
Decode #
final hkqrInfo = HKQrInfo.decode('000201010211...');
copied to clipboard
Decode tips

Fail-fast: Decode will fail when first error was found.
Warnings: Decode may success with some warnings, i.e. some unrecognized field found during decode.
Mandatory: Mandatory fields must present even if not used in FPS.
Optional: Optional fields must have valid format and length if present.

example #
There are 3 use cases in example

Fill form of FPS information, encode it to a QR code string, and use qr_flutter to generate a QR image;
Decode a QR code string to FPS information;
Use qr_code_scanner to scan a QR image and decode scan result to FPS information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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