I Navigation | Coderz Product


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i navigation

A Flutter package that will help developers to navigate through the app and authenticate their routes.

Usage #
First, add i_navigation as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
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Don't forget to flutter pub get.
Second, add the INavigation widget as the first widget in the tree in order to be able to access the same instance from any widget in the tree.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return INavigation(
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'INavigation Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'INavigation Demo Home Page'),
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Third, add the import 'package:i_navigations/extensions.dart'; at the beginning of the class.
Finally, type context. and you will find all the methods there.

check all methods

check all available inputs for INavigation widget

Available methods #
/// can pop will return true if there are more then one page in the widget tree
bool canPop();

/// Pop the top-most route off the navigator
void pop([dynamic returnedValue]);

/// Pop all routes from navigator except first route
void popUntilFirst();

/// Pop all routes until finding widget that will be passed as generic type T
/// note: generic type T must not be null and widget should stay in the tree
void popUntilWidget<T>();

/// Pop all routes until finding widget that will be passed as generic type T
/// note: generic type T must not be null and widget will be popped from tree in possible(if it is not the first route)
void popUntilWidgetIncluded<T>();

/// Pop all routes until finding widget that will be passed as generic type T or R
/// note: generic type T and R must not be null and widget should stay in the tree
void popUntilOneOfTwoWidgets<T, R>();

/// Push a new route to navigator
/// if replacement is true the top route will be removed (as default replacement = false)
Future<dynamic> pushRoute(Widget nextPage,{bool replacement = false})

/// Push a new route to navigator
/// And remove all other routes
Future<dynamic> pushAndRemoveAll(Widget nextPage);

/// Push a new route to navigator
/// And remove all other routes until finding widget that will be passed as generic type T
/// note: T must not be null and this widget should stay in the widge tree
Future<dynamic> pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(Widget nextPage);

/// Push a new route to navigator
/// And remove all other routes until finding widget that will be passed as generic type T
/// note: T must not be null and this widget will not stay in the widge tree
Future<dynamic> pushAndRemoveUntilIncluded<T>(Widget nextPage);
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Available widget inputs #

authGuard: Is an instance of abstract class IAuthGuard which has a method routeCanPass that takes IAuthenticatedWidget as input(ie: if widget is not an instance of IAuthenticatedWidget, it will always be accessible to navigate to) and return true if user can access it, false otherwise.

throwExceptionOnUnAuthorizedRoutes: If throwExceptionOnUnAuthorizedRoutes = true an instance of RouteNotAuthorizedException will be thrown when a non authorized route tried to be pushed.

transitionsBuilder: Transition that will be used to add the new page. The default behavior when pushing the page is from right to left, and left to right while popping.

pageBuilder: Signature for the function that builds a route's primary contents.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return INavigation(
/// Provide AuthGuard that will check routes if Next Page is of type IAuthenticatedWidget routeCanPass will be triggered and it should return true so we can navigate false otherwise.
authGuard: AuthGuard(),

/// Set throwExceptionOnUnAuthorizedRoutes to true in order to take action if route is not authorized
throwExceptionOnUnAuthorizedRoutes: true,

/// override transitionsBuilder in order for the page to be appearing from bottom to top
/// and popping from top to end
transitionsBuilder: (c, a, s, w) {
return SlideTransition(
position: a.drive(
begin: Offset(
end: Offset.zero,
curve: Curves.ease,
child: w,

child: MaterialApp(
title: 'INavigation Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'INavigation Demo Home Page'),
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To Import Extensions #
You can import 'package:i_navigations/extensions.dart';

Start typing importINavigationExtension and press enter then delete it(when doing so the import will be added to the class).

Acknowledgments #
This package created and maintained by Kamal Sayed and Yehya Qassim
Bugs or Requests #
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket. Pull requests are also welcome.


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