Iap Manager | Coderz Product


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iap manager

iap_manager #

Manage your Flutter In-App Purchases.

Warning: not yet tested in production #
I have not yet tested this library in my own production app. I plan to, but I
haven't yet done so. When I am satisfied that it works I will remove this
Overview #
This package helps manage In-App Purchases (IAPs) in Flutter apps. It does not
provide any native platform code. Interacting with the Google Play (on
Android) and App Store (on iOS) APIs is handled by the
When I started adding IAPs to my app, even with the above plugin, it was hard.
There is a lot of state management to get right. This package shows how I have
done it. Hopefully it is correct and can be useful to others.
If you find problems or have usability suggestions, please open issues or submit
pull requests!
Getting Started #
Set Up In-App Purchases #
Follow the instructions at
flutter_inapp_purchase to
enable IAPs for your apps. They have a blog
post that is
helpful. You'll also need the proguard rules for when you build a release
Classes #
The main class this package provides is the IAPManager. It is a
which will hopefully make it easy for you to integrate into your app.
When you create an IAPManager, it will begin listening to for purchase
updates. On Android, you will always get the latest purchase state because Play
Services caches the purchases locally and makes querying simple. On iOS,
purchases aren't requested from the store unless you call
getAvailablePurchases. This is the mechanism that provides the "Restore State"
button required by Apple--it asks users to log in to the App Store, and it then
fetches any purchases, setting purchase state to restored. Best practice on
iOS appears to be caching the results of the first purchase yourself, and
validating the purchase with your own server before use.
InAppProduct represents a product that you have for sale. All you need to
provide is a SKU (a product ID). The rest of the required information (title,
description, price, ownership status) comes from the store.
StateFromStore is your app's local view of a user's IAP state. It contains the
title and description of your items, and an error message (if something went
wrong communicating with the store, eg).
This is a simple wrapper around flutter_inapp_purchase. I use it to simplify
This is a simple wrapper around Platform. If you want to simulate an Android
environment, you can pass PlatformWrapper.android(). In production, just use
This is a class you can implement to perform server-side validation of IAPs.
If you don't use any server-side validation, and instead trust what you see
on the device, you can leave this parameter unset.
If you are using iOS subscriptions, there is any way to tell on-device if the
subscription is valid. The IOSSubscriptionHelper class is provided to help
determine if a subscription is valid. You can use that in a custom
PurchaseVerifier to determine if subscriptions are active.
Integrating iap_manager Into Your App #
1. Define Your Store State
Start by defining your store state. You do this by extending StateFromStore.
An example is shown in the test file.
This class shows that we have two products: a one-time purchase that removes ads
forever, and a subscription that removes ads for one year. The shouldShowAds()
function calculates whether or not ads should be shown to the user.
class TestStoreState extends StateFromStore {
final bool initialShouldShowAds;
final InAppProduct noAdsForever;
final InAppProduct noAdsOneYear;

TestStoreState(this.initialShouldShowAds, this.noAdsForever,
this.noAdsOneYear, PurchaseResult lastError)
: super(lastError);

bool shouldShowAds() {
if (noAdsForever.isOwned() || noAdsOneYear.isOwned()) {
// We own either, so it's ok to return false.
return false;
if (noAdsForever.isNotOwned() && noAdsOneYear.isNotOwned()) {
// We know neither is owned;
return true;
if (noAdsForever.isUnknownPurchaseState() ||
noAdsOneYear.isUnknownPurchaseState()) {
return initialShouldShowAds;

// This is an error state.
debugPrint('impossible ownership state: $noAdsForever, $noAdsOneYear');
return initialShouldShowAds;

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2. Extend IAPManager
IAPManager is a parameterized object. You can use it right away like this:
I avoid this:
IAPManager<TestStoreState> iap = IAPManager<TestStoreState>(...);
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This can be error-prone, though, and lead to runtime failures. Dart is
permissive, so you can also do this:
I avoid this:
// Note that we're not parameterizing the declared type here (no
// <TestStoreState>).
IAPManager iap = IAPManager<TestStoreState>(...);
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This is perfectly valid dart. However, it can lead to runtime errors if you use
that bare type in a Provider. Provider will look for a type
IAPManager<StateFromStore>, which it might not find, and could lead to errors.
Instead, I like to subclass IAPManager so that I can't commit that error.
I prefer this:
class TestIAPManager extends IAPManager<TestStoreState> {
IAPPlugin3PWrapper plugin,
TestStoreState storeState,
bool initialShouldShowAds,
void Function() notifyListenersInvokedCallback,
PlatformWrapper platformWrapper,
{PurchaseVerifier purchaseVerifier},
) : super(
purchaseVerifier: purchaseVerifier,
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Now you can just use TestIAPManager without worrying about parameterizing it
properly every time.
3. Wire It Into Your App
I use Provider to manage state in my app. The root widget of my app looks more
or less like what is shown below. Note that the AdManager class isn't included
in this package. It is used an example to show one way that you can incorporate
IAPManager along with any other Providers you might be using.
This is the root function of an app that uses iap_manager:
bool initialShouldShowAds = await dataStore.getLastKnownShowAds();

return MultiProvider(
providers: [
create: (_) {
return AdManager();
dispose: (ctx, mgr) => mgr.dispose(),
lazy: false,
create: (_) {
return TestIAPManager(
// We want this created on app start, so that we have the most up
// to date purchases right away. This will prevent us from still
// showing ads if someone closed an app before the purchase
// completed, eg. And it should be fast, b/c Play Services should
// cache the results for us.
lazy: false,
child: MyApp(),
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Known Limitations #
I don't have need for these features, so I don't have a good way to validate
them, so I haven't implemented them.

No consumable items. IAPs like coins that you can spend are something that
I haven't looked into, so they're not supported at the moment.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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