Idpay Payment Package | Coderz Product


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idpay payment package

idpay_payment_package #

A package for making payment with id pay easy
For getting the package you should add: #
idpay_payment_package: 0.0.1
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Getting Started With Making A Payment Request: #
PaymentRequest request = PaymentRequest(
orderId: 2,
paymentAmountRial: 10000,
callBackUrl: '',
userFullName: 'Reza Taghizadeh',
userPhone: '+905366526420',
userMail: '',
paymentDescription: 'Just For Test');
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In the second step you can easily add your payment with: #
IdPayResponse response = await IdPayPayment.getIdPayResponse(
request: request, apiKey: '6a7f99eb-7c20-4412-a972-6dfb7cd253a4');
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You can using payment in test environment by using : #

boolean isSandbox : true . the defualt value is false

IdPayResponse response = await IdPayPayment.getIdPayResponse(
request: request, apiKey: '6a7f99eb-7c20-4412-a972-6dfb7cd253a4',isSandbox: false);
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At the end your response is containe: #

String paymentLink// is '' if has error
String error // if not exist is ''
int statusCode // is 201 if has no error


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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