Image Stack | Coderz Product


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image stack

image_stack #
image_stack is a pure dart package for creating image stack in Flutter. This package give you a widget to easily create image stack for your need.
UI created by this package is mainly found in profile picture stacks in so many apps but it can be used at any place where you feel it will look good.
Pub Package: image_stack
Medium Article: Building profile image stack in Flutter
Installation #
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
image_stack: <latest_version>
copied to clipboard
Usage #
import 'package:image_stack/image_stack.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<string> images = ["image1Link", "image2Link", "image3Link", "image4Link"];
return ImageStack(
imageList: images,
totalCount: images.length // If larger than images.length, will show extra empty circle
imageRadius: 25, // Radius of each images
imageCount: 3, // Maximum number of images to be shown in stack
imageBorderWidth: 3, // Border width around the images
copied to clipboard
Example #
View the Flutter app in the example directory.
Screenshot #

Contributors #

Karan Shah
Piyush Maurya
Samuel Ezedi
Siarhei Alikhver


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