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kartal #
My birth country is Kartal, so I created an extension to give born more power.
You should look at the example folder if you want to see an example using these extensions.

Context extension #

You can use context.border to all.
Border #
You can use this extension for border properties with context.border.
For example
context.border.lowRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.02


context.border.lowRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.02
context.border.normalRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.05
context.border.highRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.1
context.border.normalBorderRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.05
context.border.lowBorderRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.02
context.border.highBorderRadius // it equals to device width divided by 0.1
context.border.roundedRectangleBorderLow // it equals to device width divided by 0.02
context.border.roundedRectangleAllBorderNormal // it equals to device width divided by 0.05
context.border.roundedRectangleBorderNormal // it equals to device width divided by 0.02
context.border.roundedRectangleBorderMedium // it equals to device width divided by 0.04
context.border.roundedRectangleBorderHigh // it equals to device width divided by 0.1

Device #
You can use for device properties with context.device. For example: context.device.isSmallScreen


context.device.isSmallScreen // The range is defined as 0 <= width < 300.
context.device.isMediumScreen // The range is defined as 300 <= width < 600.
context.device.isLargeScreen // The range is defined as 600 <= width < 900.
context.device.isAndroidDevice // Returns true if the device is an Android device.
context.device.isIOSDevice // Returns true if the device is an iOS device.
context.device.isWindowsDevice // Returns true if the device is a Windows device.
context.device.isLinuxDevice // Returns true if the device is a Linux device.
context.device.isMacOSDevice // Returns true if the device is a macOS device.

General #
You can use for general properties with context.general. For example: context.general.appTheme


context.general.mediaQuery (MediaQueryData)
context.general.appTheme (ThemeData)
context.general.textTheme (TextTheme)
context.general.primaryTextTheme (TextTheme)
context.general.colorScheme (ColorScheme)
context.general.randomColor (MaterialColor)
context.general.isKeyBoardOpen // Returns true if the keyboard is open.
context.general.keyboardPadding // When the keyboard is open, it returns the padding value of the keyboard.
context.general.appBrightness (Brightness)

Navigation #

You can use for default navigation properties with context.navigation. For example: context.navigation.pop()


context.navigation.pop // Pops the current route off the navigator.
popWithRoot /// Pops the current route off the navigator and returns to the root route.
navigateName<T extends Object?> // Pushes a named route onto the navigator.
navigateToReset<T extends Object?> // Pushes a named route onto the navigator and removes all previous routes.
navigateToPage<T extends Object?> // Pushes a new route onto the navigator.

Padding #
You can use for padding properties with context.padding. For example: context.padding.low


low is 0.01, normal is 0.02, medium is 0.04, high is 0.1 of the device height. (Basically, it is a percentage of the device height.)

context.padding.low // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to all sides
context.padding.normal// Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to all sides
context.padding.medium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to all sides
context.padding.high // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to all sides
context.padding.horizontalLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to horizontal sides
context.padding.horizontalNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to horizontal sides
context.padding.horizontalMedium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to horizontal sides
context.padding.horizontalHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to horizontal sides
context.padding.verticalLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to vertical sides
context.padding.verticalNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to vertical sides
context.padding.verticalMedium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to vertical sides
context.padding.verticalHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to vertical sides
context.padding.onlyLeftLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to left side
context.padding.onlyLeftNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to left side
context.padding.onlyLeftHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to left side
context.padding.onlyRightLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to right side
context.padding.onlyRightNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to right side
context.padding.onlyRightMedium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to right side
context.padding.onlyRightHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to right side
context.padding.onlyBottomLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to bottom side
context.padding.onlyBottomNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to bottom side
context.padding.onlyBottomMedium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to bottom side
context.padding.onlyBottomHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to bottom side
context.padding.onlyTopLow // Add [0.01 percentage of device height ] padding to top side
context.padding.onlyTopNormal // Add [0.02 percentage of device height ] padding to top side
context.padding.onlyTopMedium // Add [0.04 percentage of device height ] padding to top side
context.padding.onlyTopHigh // Add [0.1 percentage of device height ] padding to top side

Size #
You can use for size properties with context.sized. For example: context.sized.low


context.sized.height // Height of the current device.
context.sized.width // Width of the current device.
context.sized.lowValue // 0.01 percentage of the current widget's height.
context.sized.normalValue // 0.02 percentage of the current widget's height.
context.sized.mediumValue // 0.04 percentage of the current widget's height.
context.sized.highValue // 0.1 percentage of the current widget's height.
context.sized.dynamicWidth(double val) // Calculates and returns a dynamic width value based on the provided val and the current widget's width.
context.sized.dynamicHeight(double val) // Calculates and returns a dynamic height value based on the provided val and the current widget's height.
context.sized.emptySizedWidthBoxLow // 0.01 percentage to width empty width box
context.sized.emptySizedWidthBoxLow3x // 0.03 percentage of width to empty width box
context.sized.emptySizedWidthBoxNormal// 0.05 percentage to width empty width box
context.sized.emptySizedWidthBoxHigh // 0.1 percentage to width empty width box
context.sized.emptySizedHeightBoxLow // 0.01 percentage to height empty height box
context.sized.emptySizedHeightBoxLow3x // 0.03 percentage of height to empty height box
context.sized.emptySizedHeightBoxNormal // 0.05 percentage to height empty height box
context.sized.emptySizedHeightBoxHigh // 0.1 percentage to height empty height box

Popup #
You can use context.popupManager to all

showLoader (Function): A method shows loader indicator by pushing a DialogRoute. Takes optional id, barrierDismissible and widgetBuilder.
hideLoader (Function): A method hides current active loader by removing DialogRoute. Takes optional id. If id is not provided will close latest one.

String extension #

You can use for string properties with string.ext. For example: string.ext.toCapitalized()


'SAMPLE'.lineLength (int): Returns the number of lines in the string.
'SAMPLE'..color (Color): Returns a Color object parsed from the string.
'SAMPLE'.toCapitalized() (String): Converts the first letter of the string to a capital letter.
'SAMPLE'.toTitleCase() (String): Converts all letters of the string to title case.
'SAMPLE'.colorCode (int?): Returns the color code parsed from the string.
'SAMPLE'.toColor (Color): Returns a Color object from the color code.
'SAMPLE'.isNullOrEmpty (bool): Returns true if the string is null or empty.
'SAMPLE'.isNotNullOrNoEmpty (bool): Returns true if the string is not null and not empty.
'SAMPLE'.isValidEmail (bool): Checks if the string is a valid email address.
'SAMPLE'.isValidPassword (bool): Checks if the string is a valid password.
'SAMPLE'.withoutSpecialCharacters (String?): Removes all diacritics from the string.
'SAMPLE'.phoneFormatValue (String): Returns the value of the phone number without formatting characters.
'SAMPLE'.timeFormatValue (String): Formats the value of the string as a time.
'SAMPLE'.timeOverlineFormatValue (String): Unmasks the text for the time overline format.
'SAMPLE'.randomImage (String): Returns a URL for a random image.
'SAMPLE'.randomSquareImage (String): Returns a URL for a random square image.
'SAMPLE'.customProfileImage (String): Returns a URL for a custom profile image.
'SAMPLE'.customHighProfileImage (String): Returns a URL for a custom high-resolution profile image.
'SAMPLE'.bearer (Map<String, dynamic>): Returns a map with a bearer token.
'SAMPLE'.launchEmail (Future
'SAMPLE'.launchPhone (Future
'SAMPLE'.launchWebsite (Future
'SAMPLE'.launchWebsiteCustom (Future
'SAMPLE'.launchMap (Future
'SAMPLE'.shareWhatsApp() (Future
'SAMPLE'.shareMail(String title) (Future
'SAMPLE'.share() (Future
'SAMPLE'.appName (String): Returns the name of the app.
'SAMPLE'.packageName (String): Returns the package name of the app.
'SAMPLE'.version (String): Returns the version of the app.
'SAMPLE'.buildNumber (String): Returns the build number of the app.
'SAMPLE'.deviceId (Future

File extension #
You can use for file properties with file.ext. For example: file.ext.fileType


File().ext.fileType (FileType): Returns the FileType of the file based on its MIME type.
File().ext.isImageFile (bool): Returns true if the file is of type FileType.IMAGE.
File().ext.isVideoFile (bool): Returns true if the file is of type FileType.VIDEO.
File().ext.isAudioFile (bool): Returns true if the file is of type FileType.AUDIO.
File().ext.isTextFile (bool): Returns true if the file is of type FileType.TEXT.

Future extension #

You can use for future properties with future.ext. For example: future.ext.toBuild

toBuild (Widget): Builds a widget based on the state of a future. It allows specifying different widgets for different states, such as loading, success, not found, and error.

onSuccess (required): Widget Function(T? data) - Specifies the widget to display when the future completes successfully. It receives the data from the future as a parameter.
loadingWidget (required): Widget - Specifies the widget to display while the future is loading or in an active state.
notFoundWidget (required): Widget - Specifies the widget to display when the future has no connection state.
onError (required): Widget - Specifies the widget to display when an error occurs during the future's execution.
data (optional): T? - The initial data to provide to the future builder.

timeoutOrNull (T or null) When operation complete before the timeout limit it will return data. if any problem accrued it will return null.

timeOutDuration (required): Duration - Specifies the timeout duration. Default value is 10 seconds.
enableLogger, (optional): It will print your error issues in debug console.

Image Extension #

You can use for Image widget properties with Image.ext. For example: Image.ext.rightRotation

rightRotation (Widget): Returns a [RotationTransition] widget that applies a right rotation animation to the image.
upRotation (Widget): Returns a [RotationTransition] widget that applies an up rotation animation to the image.
bottomRotation (Widget): Returns a [RotationTransition] widget that applies a bottom rotation animation to the image.
leftRotation (Widget): Returns a [RotationTransition] widget that applies a left rotation animation to the image.

Key Extension #
You can use for GlobalKey properties with key.ext. For example: Key().ext.offSet


Returns the RenderBox associated with the current widget.
Return Type: RenderBox?


Returns the global offset of the current widget.
Return Type: Offset?


Returns the height of the current widget.
Return Type: double?


Scrolls to the current widget.

alignmentPolicy (optional): The alignment policy during scrolling. Default: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.explicit.

Return Type: void

Asset Reader #
You can parse your asset file with generic way.
final posts = await BundleDecoder('assets/placeholder.json')
.crackBundle<Post, List<Post>>(model: Post());
copied to clipboard
Iterable Extension #
You can use for Iterable properties with iterable.ext. For example: iterable.ext.makeSafe()

[null,1].makeSafe() // Returns a list with non-null values.
[null,1].makeSafeCustom(bool Function(T? value) onHandle) // Returns a list with non-null values based on the custom function.

List Extension #
You can use for List properties with list.ext. For example: list.ext.isNotNullOrEmpty

[].isNullOrEmpty // Returns true if the list is null or empty.
[]?.isNotNullOrEmpty // Returns true if the list is not null and not empty.
[]?.indexOrNull(bool Function(T) search) // Returns the index of the first element that satisfies the provided search function.

Widget extension #

You can use for Widget properties with widget.ext. For example: widget.ext.toVisible()

Widget.toVisible({bool value = true}) // Returns a widget with visibility based on the value.
Widget.toDisabled({bool? disable, double? opacity}) // Returns a widget with disabled properties based on the value.
Widget.sliver // Returns a sliver version of the current widget.

Utility #
You can use for utility properties with utility. For example: Utility.openAppleMapsWithQuery

MapsUtility.openAppleMapsWithQuery, MapsUtility.openGoogleMapsWithQuery, MapsUtility.openGoogleWebMapsWithQuery, // Opens the map with the query.
CustomLinkPreview.getLinkPreviewData // Gets the link preview data.
CustomLogger.showError // Shows an error message in .
BundleDecoder('assetPath').crackBundle // Decodes the asset file.

License #

2020 created for @VB10
Youtube Channel #

Contributors #

Made with contrib.rocks.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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