Leiratech Trackzero | Coderz Product


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leiratech trackzero

Usage #
Initialization #
Initialize the TrackZeroClient instance by passing in your API key before using any of the methods.
var instance = new TrackZeroClient("API-KEY");
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Getting Started #
TrackZero Instance #
After initializing the TrackZero instance, you could get the instance anywhere in your project
var instance = TrackZeroClient.getInstance();
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Entity #
Entities are objects that contain data. It can represent any object in the real world. Each entity is defined by it’s Type and Id.
Create an Entity object
///Initializes the Entity object
///[type] - Entity's type
///[id] - {String | int} - Entity's id

Entity entity = new Entity("type", "id");
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Add Attributes
///Adds custom attributes to the entity
///[attribute] - Entity's attribute name
///[value] - Entity's attribute value

entity.addAttribute("attribute", "value");
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Add Attributes Referencing Other Entities
///Adds custom attributes to the entity that are related to another entity
///[attribute] - Entity's attribute name
///[referenceType] - Related to entity type
///[referenceId] - {String | int} - Related to entity id

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Track Entity
///Creates/Updates the Entity
await instance.upsertEntity(entity);
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Note: Upsert (Update/Insert) is applied when sending the entity. So, if the the entity of type X with id Y already exists, then it gets updated, else a new entity is created. This also applies to the entity's referenced attributes in addEntityReferencedAttribute.

Complete Entity Example
Entity user = new Entity("User", "USER_ID")
.addAttribute("Name", "Sam Smith")
.addAttribute("Date Of Birth", DateTime.utc(1990, 12, 23).toIso8601String()) //Make sure dates are in ISO8601 String
.addEntityReferencedAttribute("Location", "Country", "US");

await instance.upsertEntity(user);
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Delete Entity

❗   Deletion is permanent and cannot be undone.

///Deletes the Entity
///[type] - type of entity to be deleted
///[id] - {String | int} - id of the entity to be deleted

await instance.deleteEntity("type", "id");
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Analytics Spaces #
Each analytics space represents a separate database storing analytical data relevant to a specific subject/entity user defined.
Each analytics space is able to build reports and dahsboards in TrackZero's space portal.
Get a Space Portal Session
///Creates a space portal session
///[analyticsSpaceId] - the analytics space id
///[ttl] - (in seconds) - default set to 3600 - time to live, when the session expires

await instance.getSession(analyticsSpaceId, ttl);
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Resources #
License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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