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lexpro 2 #

Here is new features in 2.1.1

add splitAutoCompletingMatches to get a detailed List< List< RegExpMatch>> to decorate your autoCompleting ListView

Here is new features in 2.1

support Templates extends JParse
for better match for split text auto completing.

use $、$1、$2 .. for variable injection in a template string.
support variables extracting from exited tokens or matches a pattern from the given split text.
support extracting failed basic variable value
if enumnone not given and extracting failed to match anyone, template rule with symbol $ ignored.

support splitAutoCompleting which can match split words that autoCompleting can not match

wd40 split in letters w d 4 0 matches width_40、width="40"、maxWidth_40、minWidth_40、 maxWidth="40"、minWidth="40"
if length="400" exists, wd40 also matches width_400

Here is features in 2

support Event System to build your AST or directly do your stuff.

support self defined LIFE_CYCLEs and onConditions Events

in onRuleMatched function will return a Context including newly added Tokens.

support build Parsers from known Constants

support DynamicToken create from Enums or asEnum to collect from parsed known message.

support create pure Library Lexer only loaded in root Lexer's common part.

support parse from a configgable LexerMain with a Library Chain

support static dependencyAnalyze with no parsers running.

support Auto Completing from Constants and Enums reuse a cached runtime context.
(not tested launched from other than Lexer Main)

1.Event System #
usage #
step1 : add Event Parsers in your Lexer:
'include-pure-jamv-attr': [
JParse.eventOnConditionInclude('for some tags text-align is not necessary', [JParse.include('jamv-attr-text-align')]),
JParse.eventOnRuleMissed('not align'),
JParse.eventOnCondition('condition true to jump new states',
[MATCHED(LEAVE: 'pop'), POP]),
replaceAllNewStates: [MATCHED(), POP]),
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LIFECYCLE EVENT only need to appear in a state, order and times are skipped, they are:




others will be invoked in order and by times.
For MATCHED(String ENTER,String LEAVE) state Action will cause onRuleMatched function in a FullEventListener
step2 : Implements RawEventDispatcher or extends FullEventListener
here is definations:
abstract class RawEventDispatcher {
bool dispatchEvent(
Token eventType, String eventFlag, String stateName, Context context);

/// You can directly extends RawEventDispatcher and define your own lifecycle.
abstract class FullEventListener extends RawEventDispatcher {
onStateWillStart(String stateName);
onStateWillRestart(String stateName);
onStateWillEnd(String stateName);
onRuleWillStart(String ruleStartFlag);
onRuleMissed(String ruleMissedFlag);
onRuleMatched(String stateName, Context context,
{String enter, String leave});
bool onCondition(String eventFlag);
bool onConditionInclude(String eventFlag);
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step3 : config set your event listener or dispatcher
..config = {
'eventDispatcher': MyEventListener(),
'debuggable': false,
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2. Auto Completing #
Now try to use 'Constant's and 'Enum's to takeplace of some Regular Expression Case
usage of constants #
JParse.constants([['a','b','c',''],['1','2']], Name),
// the same as
JParse(r'(a|b|c)?(1|2)', Name)
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constant value '' will change to symbol ? so don't do this:
JParse.constants([[.. ''],[.. ''],[.. '']])
/// the same as
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strict mode #
/// strict
JParse(r'(a|b|c)?(1|2)', DynamicToken.fromEnum(['a1','a2','b1','b2','c1','c2', '1','2'],named: Name));

/// not strict but auto completing system work fine
JParse(r'(\w)?(1|2)', DynamicToken.fromEnum(['a1','a2','b1','b2','c1','c2', '1','2'],named: Name));

/// strict, auto completing system will enum tokens who had matched this rule.
JParse(r'(\w)?(1|2)', DynamicToken.asEnum(Name));
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usage of constingroups #
Still you don't want all words to match r(\w)?(1|2)
use constant in a group, expand from List into a pattern part where (..) appears.
/// simple strict but too much words need to enum
JParse.constingroups(r'((..)(1|2))',[['a','b','c','']] DynamicToken.fromEnum(['a1','a2','b1','b2','c1','c2', '1','2'],named: Name));

/// Better when depart
var LETTER_SL = ['a','b','c',''];
var NUMBER_SL = ['1','2'];
/// as one combination however cannot enum words from constants
JParse.constingroups(r'((..))(="\d+")', [LETTER_SL, NUMBER_SL],[DynamicToken.asEnum(Name), null, null, VALUE]);

/// Good for both of words typing and auto completing system.
/// a,b,c,1,2 these values only appear once
JParse.constingroups(r'(..)(="\d+")', [LETTER_SL, NUMBER_SL],
/// take care of this, constant in groups will not match only one token, instead match each as a single token
[DynamicToken.fromEnum(LETTER_SL,named: NAMEL),
DynamicToken.fromEnum(NUMBER_SL, named: NAMEN),
// here VALUE is not wrapped by DynamicToken.asEnum(), in strict mode will match nothing, instead unstrict mode match all VALUE user has given, even not in this state.

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Warning: #
You should always make sure Tokens all linked matches the pattern, or else words lost from token system will cause unknown problems.
use null to take place already matched token if necessary.
Here is an example: #
class JamvAttrLib extends LibraryLexer {
final AlignSV = 'align';
final AlignValuesSL = ['left', 'right', 'center'];
Map<String, List<JParse>> commonparses(
Map<String, List<JParse>> currentCommon) => {
'jamv-attr-align': [
JParse.constingroups(r'(' + AlignSV + r')(=")(..)(")', [
], [
DynamicToken.fromEnum([AlignSV], named: Attr),
DynamicToken.fromEnum(AlignValuesSL, named: ValuePart),
], [
JParse.constants([AlignValuesSL], Attr, [POP])
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align,left,right,center these words will enter auto completing system.
3.Library Lexer #
Even though we can use JParse.lexer to contain another lexer in runtime.
However each lexer's own parsing definations are isolated and will not give it to a nested lexer, this cause context loosing problems.
Library Lexer only need to complement commonparses and this cause a single-lined context, root lexer don't need BREAK to get back.
Later on we will optimize the loading phase to ignore function nesting.
usage #
when you test libraries, you can give a libraryRootState to tell where to start.
OrElse library don't work alone without root Lexer.

LexerMain lexer = LexerMain.load(libraries: [
//root: MyTestedLexer()
..config = {
'stateWillListTokens': [Attr, Token.Error],
'savingRuntimeContext': true,
'willAutoCompleteErrors': true,
'eventDispatcher': MyEventListener(),
'debuggable': true,
'enumStrict': false


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library load from bottom to top, so JamvAttrOnceLib overrides JamvAttrLib, dependencyAnalyze() and configPrint() will give you more message.
Now let's try auto completing by List<String> autoCompleting(String text, String statename), the error message and unfinished words need you to collect.(From Event System or List <UnprocessedToken>


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