Light Compressor | Coderz Product


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light compressor

light_compressor #
A powerful and easy-to-use video compression plugin for Flutter built based on LightCompressor library for Android and LightCompressor_iOS library for iOS and macOS. This plugin generates a compressed MP4 video with a modified width, height, and bitrate.
The general idea of how the library works is that, extreme high bitrate is reduced while maintaining a good video quality resulting in a smaller size.
How it works #
When the video file is called to be compressed, the library checks if the user wants to set a min bitrate to avoid compressing low resolution videos. This becomes handy if you don’t want the video to be compressed every time it is to be processed to avoid having very bad quality after multiple rounds of compression. The minimum bitrate set is 2mbps.
You can pass one of a 5 video qualities; very_high, high, medium, low OR very_low and the plugin will handle generating the right bitrate value for the output video.
Demo #

Installation #
First, add light_compressor as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
iOS and macOS #
Add the following to your Info.plist file, located in <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist:
<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} library Usage</string>
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Android #
Add the following permissions in AndroidManifest.xml:
API < 29
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
tools:ignore="ScopedStorage" />
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API >= 29
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
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API >= 33
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO"/>
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Include this in your Project-level build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
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Include this in your Module-level build.gradle file:
implementation 'com.github.AbedElazizShe:LightCompressor:1.3.2'
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And since the library depends on Kotlin version 1.8.21, please ensure that 1.8.21 is the minimum kotlin version in your project by changing ext.kotlin_version in your Project-level build.gradle file.
Usage #
In order to start compression, just call [LightCompressor().compressVideo()] and pass the following parameters;

path: the path of the provided video file to be compressed - required.
videoQuality: to allow choosing a video quality that can be VideoQuality.very_low, VideoQuality.low, VideoQuality.medium, VideoQuality.high, or VideoQuality.very_high - required.
isMinBitrateCheckEnabled: to determine if the checking for a minimum bitrate threshold before compression is enabled or not. The default value is true - optional.
android: which contains configurations specific to Android. These configs are: - required

saveAt: The location where the video should be saved externally. This value will be ignored if isSharedStorage is false.
isSharedStorage: Whether to save the output video in Android's Shared or App-Specific storage. Refer to this

ios: which contains configurations specific to iOS and macOS; - required

saveInGallery: To decide saving the video in gallery or not. This defaults to true.

video: contains configurations of the output video:

videoName: The name of the output video file. - required
keepOriginalResolution: to keep the original video height and width when compressing.
videoBitrateInMbps: a custom bitrate for the video.
videoHeight: a custom height for the video.
videoWidth: a custom width for the video.

disableAudio: to give the option to generate a video with no audio. This defaults to false.

import 'package:light_compressor/light_compressor.dart';

final LightCompressor _lightCompressor = LightCompressor();
final Result response = await _lightCompressor.compressVideo(
path: _sourcePath,
destinationPath: _destinationPath,
videoQuality: VideoQuality.medium,
isMinBitrateCheckEnabled: false,
video: Video(videoName: videoName),
android: AndroidConfig(isSharedStorage: true, saveAt: SaveAt.Movies),
ios: IOSConfig(saveInGallery: true),);
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The plugin allows cancelling the compression by calling;
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Result response can be one of the following;

onSuccess: if the compression succeeded and it returns the output path if needed.
onFailure: if the compression failed in which a failure message is returned.
onCancelled: if cancelCompression() was called.

if (response is OnSuccess) {
final String outputFile = response.destinationPath;
// use the file

} else if (response is OnFailure) {
// failure message

} else if (response is OnCancelled) {
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In order to get the progress of compression while the video is being compressed the following to receive a stream;
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You can use a stream builder for example as follows;
stream: _lightCompressor.onProgressUpdated,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) {
if ( != null && > 0) {
// --> use
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For more information on how to use the plugin, refer to the sample app
Reporting issues #
To report an issue, please specify the following:

Device name
Android version
If the bug/issue exists on the sample app of the library that could be downloaded at this link.

Compatibility #
Minimum Android SDK: the plugin requires a minimum API level of 24.
The minimum iOS version supported is 11.
The minimum macOS version supported is 10.15.
Dart Versions #

Dart 3: >= 3.0.0

Maintainers #

AbedElaziz Shehadeh


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