Like Sealed | Coderz Product


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like sealed

like_sealed #
This package contains annotations for like_sealed_gen package
Sealed class #
Create sealed class like this
import 'package:like_sealed/like_sealed.dart';

part 'state.sealed.dart';

@LikeSealed(switchImpl: true)
abstract class State {}

class StateData extends State {
final String data;


class StateError extends State {
final dynamic error;

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you need to annotate the parent abstract class @likeSealed
and run command pub run build_runner build
Collection of constructor #
name = {name of parent class}s = States
a class with a collection of inherited classes constructors
class States {
static StateData data(
String data,
) {
return StateData(data);

static StateError error(
dynamic error,
) {
return StateError(error);
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Switch of sealed classes #
name = {name of parent class}Switch = StateSwitch
a class with switch of inherited classes
abstract class StateSwitch<T> implements SealedSwitch<State, T> {
T switchCase(State type) => type is StateData
? onData(type)
: type is StateError
? onError(type)
: onDefault(type);
T onData(StateData data);
T onError(StateError error);
T onDefault(State state) => throw UnimplementedError();
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see the example where the package is used with bloc


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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