Loadmore | Coderz Product


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loadmore #

A loadMore library
Support ListView and SliverList
screenshot #

whole example #
show https://github.com/CaiJingLong/flutter_listview_loadmore
install #
in pubspec.yaml
loadmore: ^2.0.1
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import in dartfile:
import 'package:loadmore/loadmore.dart';
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use in build:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text(widget.title),
body: Container(
child: LoadMore(
isFinish: count >= 60,
onLoadMore: _loadMore,
child: ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return Container(
child: Text(list[index].toString()),
height: 40.0,
alignment: Alignment.center,
itemCount: count,

Future<bool> _loadMore() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 0, milliseconds: 100));
return true;
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properties use:
child: Widget ,required , support ListView ListView.builder ListView.separated, other is not support.
onLoadMore:required A Function , `typedef Future<bool> FutureCallBack();` , reture true is success and status delay,return false or null ,then the status will change to fail.
isFinish: bool, optional, if true, then the status will change to finish ,default is false
delegate: LoadMoreDelegate,optional, see the LoadMoreDelegate class,default is DefaultLoadMoreDelegate
textBuilder: optional, the result will show in loading view ,if you use default delegate. default is DefaultLoadMoreText.chinese,
whenEmptyLoad: bool ,optional, default is true, when [whenEmptyLoad] is true, and when listView children length is 0,or the itemCount is 0,not build loadMoreWidget.
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abstract class LoadMoreDelegate {
const LoadMoreDelegate();

double widgetHeight(LoadMoreStatus status) => _defaultLoadMoreHeight; // the loadMore height. default is 80.0

Duration loadMoreDelay() => Duration(milliseconds: _loadMoreDelay);// When widget is created, the refresh delay time is triggered.

Widget buildChild(LoadMoreStatus status); // build your widget in the loadmore widget.
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other #
homePage: https://github.com/CaiJingLong/flutter_listview_loadmore
emailto me : cjl_spy@163.com


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