Loquacious | Coderz Product


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An ORM for Flutter inspired by Laravel Eloquent
This package is built on top of the Sqflite package

Database manager (migrations)
Query builder
Object Relational Mapping with generated models

Install #
In the pubspec.yaml file:
// loquacious in dependencies
loquacious: <last_version>

// craftsman in dev dependencies
craftsman: <last_version>

// define loquacious asset folders
- assets/loquacious/migrations/
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Documentation index #

Use craftsman
Generate your first 'descriptor' file with craftsman
Run craftsman scaffold
Start using Loquacious
Using Loquacious Query Builder
Using Loquacious ORM

Use craftsman #
Craftsman package is the Loquacious tool for files generation and scaffolding
Craftsman is not required but highly recommended since it helps you to scaffold complex generated files
For example using ORM feature require model classes generation, that will be very tedious and prone to errors task, but with Craftsman you can make it very simple and straightforward
Generate your first 'descriptor' file with craftsman #
Run the command flutter pub run craftsman:descriptor and follow the console instruction for generating a descriptor file
The descriptor file defines two different scaffolding description type:

db type, for the migration file generation
orm type, for models generation

After descriptor generation you should have a json file in craftsman/descriptor (named as the version you input) which is a template like this:
"db": {
"version": 1,
"migrations": [
"create_table": {
"name": "TABLE_NAME",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"type": "integer",
"index": "primary"
"orm": {
"create_models": [
"entity": "MODEL_NAME",
"from_migration_table": "TABLE_NAME"
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Then you can fill it with your schema setup, for example:
"db": {
"version": 1,
"migrations": [
"create_table": {
"name": "users",
"columns": [
"name": "id",
"type": "integer",
"index": "primary"
"name": "username",
"type": "text"
"name": "password",
"type": "text"
"orm": {
"create_models": [
"entity": "user",
"from_migration_table": "users"
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Further instructions of the schema definition in the descriptor documentation
Run craftsman scaffold #
After you filled the descriptor you have to run the flutter pub run craftsman:scaffold command.
This command will generate some files based on the descriptor file.
If you inserted one or more objects into the db.migrations array a json file will be generated in the assets/loquacious/migrations folder, named as the version you specified in the db.version property.
For each object inserted into orm.create_models array a model file will be generated into the lib/models folder, named as you specified in the entity property of the object.
Start using Loquacious #
Now that you have setup all files you can start using Loquacious.
Import Loquacious package in your main.dart file:
import 'package:loquacious/loquacious.dart';
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Then before the runApp(...) method insert the Loquacious initialization method.
Ensure you call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); in the first line of the main() method.
void main() {
Loquacious.init('db_name', 1, useMigrations: true).then((_) {
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If you want to run your generated migration set the property useMigrations to true.
Make sure you set up the correct version of your database (second argument of the init method)
Now you can use Loquacious and all it's features
Using Loquacious Query Builder #
Loquacious comes with an handful query builder called LQB.
Here is a simple example:
final result = await LQB.table('users').where('username', 'foo').get();
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Here you can find the full API documentation
Using Loquacious ORM #
The real power of Loquacious is the Object Relational Mapping.
If you are a Laravel developer you certainly know Eloquent ORM.
Well, Loquacious is very inspired by Eloquent and tries to be a lightweight ORM for your Flutter and Sqlite projects.
Some simple examples of the use of Loquacious ORM:
// create a user
final user = await User.create(username:'jDoe', password:'secret');

// edit created user
user.username = 'johnDoe';
user.password = 'moreSecret';
await user.save();

// fetch all users
final users = await User.all();
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As you can see the model comes with all the properties you specified into the descriptor file.
It is not recommended to edit the model file directly, instead you should create a new descriptor file and generate a new model with the craftsman scaffold command


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