Matrix Rotate Arbitrary Axis | Coderz Product


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matrix rotate arbitrary axis

matrix_rotate_arbitrary_axis #
Library to generate rotation matrix around arbitrary axis.
Original implementation of RotationMatrix class (matrix_rotate_arbitrary_axis.dart) by Glenn Murray.
Null-safety enabled.
Usage #
If you want to apply rotation matrix to canvas in Flutter you can just call:
// Build a rotation matrix for rotations about the line through (a, b, c)
// parallel to [uUn, vUn, wUn] by the angle theta.
final rotationMatrix = RotationMatrix(a, b, c, uUn, vUn, wUn, angleInRadians);
final matrix = rotationMatrix.matrix;
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The parameters are:

[a] x-coordinate of a point on the line of rotation.
[b] y-coordinate of a point on the line of rotation.
[c] z-coordinate of a point on the line of rotation.
[uUn] x-coordinate of the line's direction vector (unnormalized).
[vUn] y-coordinate of the line's direction vector (unnormalized).
[wUn] z-coordinate of the line's direction vector (unnormalized).
[theta] The angle of rotation, in radians.

Example #
See example in the example folder

Tests #
To run tests:
dart --enable-experiment=non-nullable pub get
dart --enable-experiment=non-nullable pub run test
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