Media Store Plus | Coderz Product


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media store plus

media_store_plus #
To use Android MediaStore API in Flutter.
It supports both read & write operations in every Android version through Flutter.
It also requests appropriate permissions, if needed.
Motivation #
From API level 30, we have to use Scoped Storage to write files. Though, we can read all files by direct path until API level 32, from API level 33 we need to use Scoped Storage for reading also.
We can write in DCIM, Pictures, Movies, Alarms, Audiobooks, Music, Podcasts, Ringtones, and Download folders by MediaStore without any kind of Storage permission. You can also read without any permission from these folders as long as the files are created by the app. But if we uninstall the app, and install it again, then, it will lose the read/write access for the files previously created by the app.
Again, we can read all files by requesting android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission until API level 32.From API level 33, it has no usage. Android introduces three specific permissions i.e. android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO & android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO to read audio, video & images.
But, we can't read other folders from API level 33 without requesting explicit permission for those folders.
Sum up, from Flutter there is no way to write in any folder with/without storage permission other than the app data folder!
Because, we can't use the MediaStore API from Flutter, that is required for writing, other than the app data folder. Again we can't request to read/write any specific folder using a file picker from Flutter.
So, the only solution is to use the platform channel for this. This issue led me to create this media_store_plus plugin.
Usage #
You can read, write, edit, and delete in the DCIM, Pictures, Movies, Alarms, Audiobooks, Music, Podcasts, Ringtones, Download with this plugin.
You can also request to read or write any specific folder other than those mentioned above, by file picker with this plugin.
Again when you try to read, edit, or delete a file that is not created by your app, it will automatically request permission from the user for that task.
You can read the full documentation from here. You can also check the example app for implementation. Reading the plugin's source code also helps you in that case.
Getting Started #
First, add media_store_plus as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
media_store_plus: ^0.1.2
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Don't forget to flutter pub get.
Android Side #
Edit the AndroidManifest.xml like this.
<!-- required from API level 33 -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" /> <!-- To read images created by other apps -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO" /> <!-- To read audios created by other apps -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" /> <!-- To read vidoes created by other apps -->

android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" <!-- To read all files until API level 32 -->
android:maxSdkVersion="32" />

android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" <!-- To write all files until API level 29. We will MediaStore from API level 30 -->
android:maxSdkVersion="29" />

<!-- Need for API level 29. Scoped Storage has some issue in Android 10. So, google recommanded to add this. -->
<!-- Read more from here:>
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You need to modify the file as per this link. Because this plugin uses GSON internally.
Contribution #
You can create issue(s) for any missing feature(s) that is relevant to this plugin. You can also help by pointing out any bugs. Pull requests are also welcomed
Status #
This is an active project as MediaStore is the future of accessing files in Android. There's a lot of room to improve this plugin.
Support the package (optional) #
If you find this package useful, you can support it by giving it a star.
Credits #
This package is developed by Shahriar Nasim Nafi


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