Meetup Event Planner | Coderz Product

Meetup Event Planner

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Ruby Node


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Meetup Event Planner is a cutting-edge web application for organizing and managing meetup events. It combines the power of modern technologies such as Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, and React to deliver a seamless user experience. This application serves as a practical example of how to integrate these technologies to build interactive, scalable, and accessible applications.

It features a robust authentication system, dynamic forms for interactivity, and follows UX best practices to create a user-friendly interface. The application also leverages Apollo Client for state management and Webpack for efficient bundling and optimizations.


  • Dynamic Events Management: Create, view, and manage meetup events effortlessly.
  • GraphQL Integration: Provides a powerful data layer for querying and mutating data.
  • Secure Authentication: Includes a built-in authentication system.
  • Interactive User Interface: Leverages dynamic forms and responsive design for enhanced usability.
  • Modern UI/UX Design: Built with Grommet UX for accessibility and responsiveness.
  • High Code Quality: Adheres to AirBnB JSX and JavaScript style guides, ensuring clean, maintainable code.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Features a test suite with 70+ tests to ensure reliability.
  • Production Ready: Optimized for deployment with minification, code chunking, and CSS extraction.


  • Node.js: Version 5.2.0
  • Ruby: Version 2.3.1
  • PostgreSQL: For database management.
  • Webpack: For front-end bundling and optimizations.
  • Heroku: Deployment environment (optional for live setup).


Installation and Setup

Step 1: Install Prerequisites

  • Install Node.js and NVM. Ensure all developers use Node.js 5.2.0 for consistency.
  • Set up Ruby using RVM:


    Copy code

    rvm use ruby-2.3.1@rails5.0 --create

Step 2: Set Up the API

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the project.
  2. Install Ruby dependencies:


    Copy code

    bundle install

  3. Set up the database:


    Copy code

    rake db:setup

  4. Start the server:


    Copy code

    rails s

Step 3: Set Up the Client

  1. Navigate to the client directory:


    Copy code

    cd client

  2. Install dependencies:


    Copy code

    npm run setup

  3. Start the development server:


    Copy code

    npm run start

Step 4: Run the Application

  • Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.

Optional: For Production

  • Serve bundled assets:


    Copy code

    npm run serve:bundle


  • Run the test suite to verify functionality:


    Copy code

    npm run test

Built With

  • React: Front-end library for building user interfaces.
  • Redux: For state management.
  • GraphQL: For querying and mutating data.
  • Ruby on Rails: Back-end framework for building the API.
  • Apollo Client: For GraphQL integration on the client side.
  • Grommet UX: For responsive and accessible design.
  • Webpack: For bundling and optimizations.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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