Modal Progress Hud Nsn | Coderz Product


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modal progress hud nsn

modal_progress_hud_nsn #

A simple widget wrapper to enable modal progress HUD (a modal progress indicator, HUD = Heads Up Display)
A fork of the original modal_progress_hud by mmcc007 with Null Safety and additional features.
Usage #
Add the modal_progress_hud_nsn to dependencies in pubspec.yaml.
modal_progress_hud_nsn: ^0.5.0
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Next, import the library into your app.
import 'package:modal_progress_hud_nsn/modal_progress_hud_nsn.dart';
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Now, wrap your widget as a child of ModalProgressHUD, typically a form, together with a boolean variable that is maintained in local state.
bool _saving = false

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: ModalProgressHUD(child: Container(
), inAsyncCall: _saving),
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Options #
Below parameters can be customised accordingly.
@required inAsyncCall: bool,
@required child: Widget,
opacity: double,
color: Color,
progressIndicator: CircularProgressIndicator,
offset: double
dismissible: bool,
blur: double,
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Example #
An example app that demonstrates the usage.

On initial load, _saving defaults to false which causes your child widget to display.
When the form is submitted, _saving is set to true, which will display the modal.
Once the async call is complete, _saving is set back to false, hiding the modal.

Example Code
class SettingsPage extends StatefulWidget {
_SettingsPageState createState() => new _SettingsPageState();

class _SettingsPageState extends State<SettingsPage> {
bool _saving = false;

void _submit() {

setState(() {
_saving = true;

//Simulate a service call
print('submitting to backend...');
new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 4), () {
setState(() {
_saving = false;

Widget _buildWidget() {
return new Form(
child: new Column(
children: [
new SwitchListTile(
title: const Text('Bedroom'),
value: _bedroom,
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
_bedroom = value;
secondary: const Icon(Icons.hotel),
new RaisedButton(
onPressed: _submit,
child: new Text('Save'),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text('Flutter Progress Indicator Demo'),
body: ModalProgressHUD(child: _buildWidget(), inAsyncCall: _saving),
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Similar Alternatives #

modal_progress_hud : Original
modal_progress_hud_alt : Alternative
blurry_modal_progress_hud : With blur
flutter_progress_hud : Light weight and with fade
loading_overlay : Another fork of original with fade

Useful Resources #
See this article on Medium about async form validation
See the example application source
for a complete sample app using the modal progress HUD. Included in the
example is a method for using a form's validators while making async
calls (see flutter/issues/9688 for details).
Issues and feedback #
Please file issues
to send feedback or report a bug. Thank you!


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