Moduler Route | Coderz Product


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moduler route

Moduler route #
Moduler route is a powerful route manager that works in a modular way that allows you to create an application with more independent and reusable functionality. And with an integrated dependency injection system, you will have fully decoupled modules.
Moduler #
Moduler is a mixin that will be inherited by your main widget and it's the heart of your modules. Here you'll inform your modules and global injections.
void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget with Moduler {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
initialRoute: initialRoute(() {
// Some rules to check the initial route
return "moduler/initial-route"
onGenerateRoute: routeTo,
onUnknownRoute: unknownRoute,
navigatorObservers: [modulerRouteObserver],

List<Module> get modules => [];

List<Injector> get globalInjections => [];
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initialRoute(String Function()) a no async closure to check initial route
modules list of your modules
globalInjections all of your classes that you wanna get from any module

Modules #
The idea behind moduler is separate your application in modules. To create a module do like code bellow.
class ExampleModule extends Module {
String get path => "module-name";

List<ModuleRoute> get routes => [];

List<Injector> get injections => [];
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path name of the Module
routes all routes that belong to this module
injections like globalInjections of the Moduler, but only accessible to module routes

Routes #
To pass views to your module you must have to create a ModuleRoute.
path: "route-name",
builder: (arguments) => View(),
transitionType: RouteTransitionType.material
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path name of the ModuleRoute. If the view is the "home" (first view) of module. You may call it "/"
builder a closure where you return your view. builder have a Object as argument and it is the parameter passed to your route
transitionType Moduler route uses page_transition to implement a lot of page transitions in addition to CupertinoPageRoute and MaterialPageRoute. So you have 12 page transitions

Call route #
You just user Navigator or any other navigation lib to navigate.
arguments: "Passing parameters"
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To navigate between modules/routes you have to follow some rules:

Every time you'll navigate to a new module, you need to inform the module name.
If you have a route named "/" in a module and called Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("module-name"); or Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("module-name/"); it will always call that ModuleRoute
If you already at navigating in a module, you don't need any more to pass a module name. Just pass the route name for navigate inside the module Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("second-route-name");

Dependency Injection #
How I said before _ Modular route _ have a powerful dependency injection system. First you have to inform to your Module or Moduler what class will be injected. for that use Injector.
inject: (arguments) => MyController(_user),
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CAUTION!! You always have to pass the type to Injector.
Injector have a closure that have an Object as parameter. The arguments is the same passed to builder closure of the ModuleRoute. And returns a class of the same type you have informed before.
To get the injected class you will use Inject
final _controller = Inject.instance<MyController>();
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Inject have two static methods to get objects:

instance return always a new instance of a object
get return an existing instance. If the object is not instantiated, it'll be create

And two more for remove the singletons only:
To dispose a Inject.get<MyController>(); injection. Just di this.

dispose remove only a specific object instance
reset remove all singletons

When uses get, the singleton will be alive only during navigation in a module. Unless it was injected on globalInjections in Moduler
Mocking for unit test #
Inject have a special method to using in tests called mock. Just pass the mocked class with the type class.
final controllerMock = MyControllerMock();
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If having any questions, see our example to better understanding! Or send us an e-mail 😁
My spacial thanks to Elton Morais for testing and improve some features


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