Multi Image Picker View | Coderz Product


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multi image picker view

Multi Image Picker View Flutter #

A complete widget which can easily pick multiple images from device and display them in UI. Also picked image can be re-ordered and removed easily.

Features #

Pick multiple images
Displayed in GridView
Reorder picked images just by dragging
Remove picked image
Limit max images
Fully customizable UI

Getting started #
flutter pub add multi_image_picker_view
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For image/file picker
flutter pub add image_picker
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flutter pub add file_picker
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OR you can use any plugin to pick images/files.
pubspec.yaml #
multi_image_picker_view: # latest version

image_picker: ^1.0.4
# or
file_picker: ^6.1.1
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Usage #
Define the controller #
final controller = MultiImagePickerController(
picker: (bool allowMultiple) async {
// use image_picker or file_picker to pick images `pickImages`
final pickedImages = await pickImages(allowMultiple);
// convert the picked image list to `ImageFile` list and return it.
return => convertToImageFile(e)).toList();
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final controller = MultiImagePickerController(
maxImages: 15,
images: <ImageFile>[], // array of pre/default selected images
picker: (bool allowMultiple) async {
return await pickConvertedImages(allowMultiple);
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UI Implementation #
controller: controller,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
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controller: controller,
bulder: (BuldContext context, ImageFile imageFile) {
// here returning DefaultDraggableItemWidget. You can also return your custom widget as well.
return DefaultDraggableItemWidget(
imageFile: imageFile,
BoxDecoration(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20)),
closeButtonAlignment: Alignment.topLeft,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
const Icon(Icons.delete_rounded, color:,
closeButtonBoxDecoration: null,
showCloseButton: true,
closeButtonMargin: const EdgeInsets.all(3),
closeButtonPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(3),
initialWidget: DefaultInitialWidget(
centerWidget: Icon(Icons.image_search_outlined),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary.withOpacity(0.05),
), // Use any Widget or DefaultInitialWidget. Use null to hide initial widget
addMoreButton: DefaultAddMoreWidget(
icon: Icon(Icons.image_search_outlined),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryColor.withOpacity(0.2),
), // Use any Widget or DefaultAddMoreWidget. Use null to hide add more button.
gridDelegate: /* Your SliverGridDelegate */,
draggable: /* true or false, images can be reordered by dragging by user or not, default true */,
shrinkWrap: /* true or false, to control GridView's shrinkWrap */
longPressDelayMilliseconds: /* time to press and hold to start dragging item */
onDragBoxDecoration: /* BoxDecoration when item is dragging */,
padding: /* GridView padding */

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ImageFile #
This package use ImageFile entity to represent one image or file. Inside picker method in MultiImagePickerController, pick your images/files and convert it to list of ImageFile object and then return it. The ImageFile consists of:
final imageFile = ImageFile(
UniqueKey().toString(), // A unique key required to track it in grid view.
name: fileName,
extension: fileExtension,
path: fileFullPath,
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Note: The package have two Extension functions to convert XFile (image_picker plugin) and PlatformFile (image_picker plugin) to ImageFile object.
final imageFile = convertXFileToImageFile(xFileObject); and final imageFile = convertPlatformFileToImageFile(platformFileObject);. This functions will help you to write your picker logic easily.

ImageFileView #
The ImageFileView is a widget which is used to display Image using ImageFile object. This will work on web as well as mobile platforms.
child: ImageFileView(imageFile: imageFile),
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child: ImageFileView(
imageFile: imageFile,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
fit: BoxFit.cover,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background,
errorBuilder: (BuildContext context, Object error, StackTrace? trace) {
return MyCustomErrorWidget(imageFile: imageFile)
} // if errorBuilder is null, default error widget is used.
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Custom UI #
GridView Draggable item

In builder, you can use either DefaultDraggableItemWidget or your full custom Widget. i.e.

builder: (context, imageFile) {
return Stack(
children: [
Positioned.fill(child: ImageFileView(imageFile: imageFile)),
top: 4,
right: 4,
child: DraggableItemInkWell(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2),
onPressed: () => controller.removeImage(imageFile),
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary.withOpacity(0.4),
child: Icon(
size: 18,
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background,
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The DraggableItemInkWell can be used instead of InkWell inside builder to handle proper clicks when using laptop touchpads.
ImageFileView is a custom widget to show the image using ImageFile.

Initial Widget

You can use either DefaultInitialWidget or Custom widget or null if you don't want to show initial widget.

initialWidget: DefaultInitialWidget(
centerWidget: Icon(Icons.image_search_outlined),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary.withOpacity(0.05),
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initialWidget: SizedBox(
height: 170,
width: double.infinity,
child: Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Add Images'),
onPressed: () {
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initialWidget: null,
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Initial Widget

You can use either DefaultInitialWidget or Custom widget or null if you don't want to show initial widget.

addMoreButton: DefaultAddMoreWidget(
icon: Icon(Icons.image_search_outlined),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary.withOpacity(0.2),
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addMoreButton: SizedBox(
height: 170,
width: double.infinity,
child: Center(
child: TextButton(
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
shape: const CircleBorder(),
onPressed: controller.pickImages,
child: const Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
child: Icon(
size: 30,
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addMoreButton: null,
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Get Picked Images #
Picked Images can be get from controller.
final images = controller.images; // return Iterable<ImageFile>
for (final image in images) {
if (image.hasPath)
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Also controller can perform more actions.
controller.hasNoImages; // return bool
controller.maxImages; // return maxImages
controller.removeImage(imageFile); // remove image from the images
controller.clearImages(); // remove all images (clear selection)
controller.reOrderImage(oldIndex, newIndex); // reorder the image
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Custom Examples #

Check the example to access all the custom examples.

Migrating <1.0.0 to >=1.0.0 #
Changes in MultiImagePickerController #

Inbuilt image picker is removed. You have to provide your own image/file picker logic. This will provide you more controls over image/file picking. You have to pass your picker in MultiImagePickerController.
allowedImageTypes removed.
withData removed.
withReadStream removed.

Changes in MultiImagePickerView #

addMoreBuilder is removed. Now use addMoreButton to define your custom Add More Button.
showAddMoreButton is removed. To hide the default Add More Button, pass null in addMoreButton field.
initialContainerBuilder is removed. Now use initialWidget to define your custom Initial Widget.
showInitialContainer is removed. To hide the default Initial Widget, pass null in initialWidget field.
itemBuilder is removed. Now use builder to define your custom Draggable item widget. You can now define different widget for different image (ImaegFile).
addMoreButtonTitle is removed. Use addMoreButton and pass DefaultAddMoreWidget with custom parameters.
addButtonTitle is removed. Use initialWidget and pass DefaultInitialWidget with custom parameters.
longPressDelayMilliseconds is added. This is used to define the press and hold duration to start dragging.
onChange is removed.
MultiImagePickerView.of(context) can be used inside anywhere in MultiImagePickerView get the instance of it's components. i.e. MultiImagePickerView.of(context).controller.pickImages().

My other flutter packages #

view_model_x - An Android similar state management package (StateFlow and SharedFlow with ViewModel) which helps to implement MVVM pattern easily.

Support #

Contributors #

Contributing #
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


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